Well Known Member
Just curious...........what is the average build time for a RV8 quickbuild? Basic VFR configuration and include the time to paint it.

David Watson
The reason I posted the question is this: I'm scheduled for my inspection next Wednesday (20th of October) and I'm finishing up the builder's log. I'm showing that I have just over 900 hours in build time and I'm wondering if I'm out of line somehow. I've been working on it for a little over 4 1/2 years and I've recorded every build session faithfully. My wife and I have checked and rechecked, but the numbers are correct. I'm curious to know how much time others have needed to build a basic VFR RV8 quickbuild. Thanks for your replies.

David Watson


You have been efficient with your time. 900 hours is good.
I have built a bunch of RVs and know that is about right, for an experienced builder. Not a first timer.
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I'm right at 900hrs documented on my -7 QB. This is not counting the help I had on the paint. I also didn't count the few hundred hours I spend on VAF researching what to do next, how to do it or how not to do it.

Should be complete and waiting for inspection before Friday. :)

I am a first time airplane builder, but I've helped repair many, plus I've built several race cars and restored a few cars. The mechanical thing comes easily for me; for that I am thankful.

So, from what I see, I'm not too far out of line on the time. The time only includes my time in the shop. I've not logged research time or study time nor have I logged the time my wife has helped me. Thanks for the reply.

David Watson
I have to laugh at this one...mostly from embarrassment...I quit counting hours but it took me 11.5 YEARS!!! but that included paint:D and that's my story and I'm stickin to it!!