
My name is Tim (dues paid) and I have lurked here for many years and have had the dream of building an RV since at least 2004. In that time I have changed my mind on models so many times. First it was an RV-7 then a -9 then a -14. I am happy to say as of the middle of October 2023 I have taken delivery of my empennage kit and have started building my RV-8. I am committed now haha. My timing is interesting at best. I got in after all of the LCP issues which is good but I am waiting now on ordering wings for everything else to get sorted. Hopefully I will get them on order this month. I will run out of things to do on the tail well before that happens but I have a few other side projects to keep me busy (like finishing my license). I will try to throw updates here from time to time I also have a YouTube channel that I am using to document it all (not professional by any means) I also have a EAA build log for anyone that is interested. I've learned a lot so far and cant wait to see what comes next.


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Welcome Sir! Congrats on starting the build! It’s quite the journey. If you haven’t already, think about finding a tech counselor. It truly takes a community to build these things. Also, a weekend sheet metal class is worth taking if you haven’t yet. Very good info and hands on experience.

Cheers! Enjoy the build!

Also check into the Houston area group on
This sight. There should be some knowledge in that
Group that can help you out with questions.

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Thanks for the info I will go check out the Houston group. I'm also a member out at the EAA 302 chapter. Its just difficult to make it out to the meetings since I travel so much for work.
New -8 builder!

My name is Tim. I am happy to say as of the middle of October 2023 I have taken delivery of my empennage kit and have started building my RV-8. I've learned a lot so far and can't wait to see what comes next.

Congratulations, Tim! Good decision on choosing the -8! You have started on a path that will take you places you have never dreamed of or knew existed, including the building your new AIRPLANE! All of us who have built ours remember the day we finished the horizontal and realized that 1) WOW! I have the beginnings of a new airplane and this will eventually FLY! 2) I DID finish this first part which means I CAN continue on and build the remainder of this airplane! 3) I don't know exactly where this will take me but I like what I have seen so far: The World of RV Aviation,, in a cast of thousands, including this AMAZING resource that is indispensable in getting your airplane eventually in the air! And, you will find, one of the best-flying airplanes on the PLANET! Get stuck with something? Ask away! Answers will come many and quickly! Build ON! Keep us in the loop (entrance speed 140-190)!


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Good to hear of your progress. Plenty of RV experience in Chapter 302. Don't worry if you can't make the meetings, there is a large contingent of us at the airport every day (except most Sundays). Come on out whenever you can.

Chapter 302 President
Thanks Joe I will do that. I plan to try and make it out for Monday coffee when I get back from this next trip.
Just wanted to update this thread with some progress. My empennage is mostly complete now just doing small things to stay busy while waiting on the wings to arrive. On that note I have received notice from Vans last week requesting final payment as they are ready to crate and hopefully ship the wing kit soon. I think I am up to 24 videos on YouTube now for the build the latest of which is me cobbling together some metal wing stands.