You've already explored adjusting the rod-ends in the elevator system to move the stick aft? Because of the lever ratio, a small amount of rod adjustment can yield a goodly amount of stick movement.
Anybody start doing these again, I need one?


I've been able to adapt the RV-14 bent stick from Tosten into my 8. I've just started flying and don't have much to report yet.

The adaptation was cutting down the straight stick, making a sleeve to allow the smaller 14 stick to fit tightly in the 8 stick, then cutting the 14 stick to fit with the military style grip(also from Tosten) to clear the panel. I also had to remove an inch+ from the seat ramp for full travel. I think I may have been able to avoid some/all of the cut if I'd adjusted the rod ends differently.

It's on the list of things to refine in phase 1.
Steve and I talked about this a while back. Dies for the CNC bender, and a probable mandrel to do it right are EXPENSIVE. Probably not enough to justify the expense. BUT----we'll see.
