
Well Known Member
I was going to build a golf club carrying mod like Doug Bell did but the golf store only had 6 tubes left.

So instead I decided to do what Scott Hersha did for his new RV8 Fastback.
It involves hinging the aft baggage panel and providing a shelf at the next bulkhead aft. The golf bag then lays over the top of the elevator push tube.
The bag is strapped down at the aft baggage shelf and at the new shelf further aft.

The pictures should be self explanatory. The camlocs that replace the top 2 nutplates require a slight elongation of one of the former nutplate rivet holes to accept the camloc receptacle.

I used a fairly light weight carry bag and put 2 sets of clubs in it, with the idea of also carrying a collapsable "Sunday" bag if two travellers wish to play.

I am going to add a reinforcing angle under the hinge to support the aft shelf.

My aircraft is very near the forward cg limit so this mod may not be advisable for people with a more aft cg.

Very cool!

Thanks for sharing Jon! That mod is definately going on my list! Looks pretty easy which is a nice bonus.

I am working on the same mod for my 8 and was puting a solid shelf all the way back. You would not want anything to interfere with the elavator pushrod. My Idea was so tent poles and a folding chair could be put back in the rear area for traveling. Still building but my battery is on the firewall also to create a forward cg.
Just my 2 cents
Thanks for the suggestion George. If I had built from a slow build I might have considered a full length shelf. This was a simple and lighter option.
The bag will bridge between the 2 shelves and be bungeed down.
Life is full of risks and I have deemed this one to be a managable one.
