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Well Known Member
I am in Illinois, my builder's manual is in Texas and I found an inconsistancy in my POH in baggage compartment weights. Vans site just says 125 lbs.

Is these the correct limits?

50 lbs front
60 lbs rear baggage floor
15 lbs rear baggage shelf

Thinks so.

I think you are correct, I always think 50 and 75, but don't think about the shelf in the back. Have fun at the show and worry about the baggage after you get back. That is if you don't buy the store out while you are there, If so UPS is on the field and you can and should just let them send it home for you. Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
Rear shelf 25 lbs

I thought it was:

50 lbs front baggage
50 lbs rear baggage floor
25 lbs rear baggage shelf.


Where do these limits come from?

What is the limiting factor? The structure underneath the compartment floors that support the weight (under 1G - not that you'd do acro with stuff rattling around)?
R-8 Baggage

Nigel is correct. The Cafe foundation's report on the RV-8A noted that some aft baggage weight was suggested for solo acro to move the CG aft. IIRC Van himself was said to favor this. I don't know how the weight was secured. There was some discussion of using a water bottle which could be emptied when the weight wasn't needed. Anybody know input on this from the factory or Van himself? Thanks in advance for any info. My -8 has a slightly aft CG and I'm small (150#). Acro seems fine to me without any ballast.
I?m having the construction manual here and it says max 75 lbs in the rear compartment and 50 lbs in the front compartment under the most ideal conditions. So the baggage shelf itself is not mentioned here.
Looking at the structure below I would think the rear shelf is good for light and soft baggage while the lower floor is well supported. Under the shelf is the elevator bellcrank and I?d like to see it very well protected under any possible additional (-g) loads.
Thanks for all the info. After almost 700 hrs flying my -8 I have the practical side down of where to put baggage etc. I just wanted the numbers in my POH and the Owners Manual I developed to all be in agreement with the mother ship.
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