
Well Known Member
I finally got a chance to test out the camera power supply that I installed a couple of weeks ago. The installation is described in some detail here:

Once again the clouds kind of put a damper on things. We were originally planning a rather long trip to take a tour around Crate Lake. Carl was still getting over a cold and didn't think flying would be a good idea and between the clouds up here and the winds down there it just wasn't the right time for the trip anyway.

Carl decided not to fly so I was looking for a place for lunch and a chance to try the camera on a flight long enough that the battery wouldn't have lasted on its own. I considered Forks, but it was pretty low at Quillayute and it had gotten lower at Pt. Angeles over the past couple of hours that I had been watching. Friday Harbor was about 900 OVC, so that was out. It would clear, but I didn't want to wait. I settled on Bremerton (always in the mood for fish).

The trip over was a little bumpy and there were a LOT of airplanes around. I had to dodge a few. I landed without incident and had a nice lunch.

Leaving Bremerton I continued west for a while and got on top of the clouds where it was much smoother. Since there was really no place to go I just kind of roamed around and then headed home.

There were two highlights of the day: the first was taking off from Bremerton behind a C-172. He leveled off about 2,000' and I continued climbing to 6,500. He was level, I was still climbing and I passed him at a good clip. The second was landing back at home. I made a really nice landing right in front of a guy in a Cherokee waiting to cross the runway. As I was rolling out I slid the canopy back and just enjoyed the view.

Here is the initial test result:
Well Done

Well done Steve. Great video and great music.
I Love the North West and hope to fly there someday.