A lot less fun and a lot less pretty, but a check of the METAR for Richland would have saved you some avgas.
Nice 3-point.... right on the centerline!

I?m guessing saving avgas wasn?t the goal, overall, a beautiful day to go flying.
Thank you!


I always enjoy watching your videos. I make them full screen and just enjoy the scenery (I'm a TX flatlander). This type of ride-along video for some reason is one of my favorite types currently.

It saves me avgas every now and then, because I feel like I got to go flying <g>.

Thanks again and keep filming!!!!!

Vortex generators

Hi Steve, I see you've got vortex generators on the top of your wings. I've completely forgotten what they do for you. Could you maybe edumacate me a bit??:rolleyes:
Hi Steve, I see you've got vortex generators on the top of your wings. I've completely forgotten what they do for you. Could you maybe edumacate me a bit??:rolleyes:

Sorry, I can't really provide any wisdom on the vortex generators. They were on the airplane when I bought it and the way I fly I don't think they do anything for me, except maybe cost a couple of miles in cruise.

The person that built the airplane wanted to improve high angle of attack performance, particularly to reduce turn radius, so he could hang in in mock dog fights with RV-4's and -6s (at least as far as my recollection of the story I was told goes). As to whether or not they achieved the intended goal, I have no idea. I have never spoken to the original builder of the airplane.

If I can find a good paint shop to touch up the wings I want to remove them, but without really good touch up it wouldn't look right.
Brilliant!!! I was expecting some Hobbits and Dwarves, then maybe Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood from Where Eagles Dare and then possibly some dinosaurs. definitely 2 Thumbs up. I know how hard it is to make decent movies and you have just got to love the RV'S that give us this opportunity.
Well done mate!!
Puts flying around 52F a little dull
Love it! Ballsy flying above all those rocks, with all the flat spots hidden by the clouds/fog. Seems like a typical summer day at KHAF (just south of SF). Thanks for sharing ... smells like victory!