
Well Known Member
Saturday 10/12/19 was a day that turned out better than forecast. There was supposed to be increasing rain later in the day and otherwise cloudy, but the clouds were at least 8,000' in most places. The radar picture (ForeFlight) showed abundant showers in the area, but it appeared that most of them did not make it to the ground.

Not wanting to go too far afield in case the weather deteriorated faster than forecast (it didn't) we went to Bremerton for lunch. After all, we will only have a few more opportunities to do so as the restaurant is closing at the end of the year.

There were obvious rain showers to the north and west, but our course line was mostly clear. There were a lot of airplanes in the pattern at Bremerton and it seemed the best approach would be to fly upwind to the west of the airport and make a crosswind entry. There was one touch and go just turning crosswind and I was going to fall in behind him, but it was a Diamond so I would have to slow down. As soon as he turned he stated that he was departing the pattern, so he was no longer an issue. There was a CAP C-182 just finishing a tough-and-go and I turned in front of him and was going to keep it close in so as not to be in his way when he called in and said he was also departing the area. All of the sudden, I had the pattern to myself. Sweet!

After lunch the weather was still pretty good so instead of going straight home I decided to take the scenic route. I had to dodge some rain showers, but the clearest sky looked like it was right over the Olympic mountains. The air was pretty smooth and calm so I thought I would try going through the mountains to the Strait side and then go back from there.

It worked very well, it was calm and smooth throughout the mountains with only a few small bumps on the Strait side.

After an uneventful trip back home I arrived to a busy pattern. No surprise. I made the usual 45 degree entry, flew a normal pattern, but closer in than usual because there was someone behind me and I wanted to use the second turn off to get gas. Just as I turned base to final an RV-4 pulled out onto the runway on front of me. It may have seemed closer to me than it really was, but it felt close enough to me that I made the decision to go around. He never made a radio call before pulling onto the runway, or anywhere else in the pattern, but when I announced that I was going around because someone pulled out in front of me he stated "there's plenty of room".

Obviously he thought that was enough room because when I came back around and cleared the runway after landing he pulled in front of the Cherokee behind me, also on short final, also with no radio call.

In the end no metal was bent and no blood was shed so it was a good day. It is entirely possible that I am overreacting and there was nothing wrong with what the guy in the RV-4 did, but it still makes me uncomfortable and I will still go around in that situation. Of course, I am spring loaded to go-around anyway.
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Very Nice


That was stunning scenery and a very nicely made video. Great job!

If you don't mind me asking, what cameras are you using and what video editing software are you using or recommend?

Thanks very much!

That was stunning scenery and a very nicely made video. Great job!

-Beethoven is a wonderful accompaniment to that scenery.

-Very good call on the go-around.
Thinking "If I do this, what happens to others?" is always good practice.

That was stunning scenery and a very nicely made video. Great job!

If you don't mind me asking, what cameras are you using and what video editing software are you using or recommend?


The wing mounted camera is a GoPro Hero 7 Black, the cockpit mounted camera is a Drift 4K and the hand held, non-mounted camera is an iPhone 8. I edit using PowerDirector. I've tried a few different video editing packages (Serif MoviePlus, Sony Movie Studio) and find that PowerDirector is more powerful and perhaps a little easier to use than the others. The best thing about it is that there are a lot of tutorials available on YouTube.
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