I am getting ready to mount my h stab...I got my fuselage perfect level with a digital level across the cockpit area in both directions an corner to corner...but my aft deck is not level.in fact it takes a 3/32 shim on top of 1 of my 1/8" spacers to get my h stab level..it is a qb kit...is this something to worry abt or just shim it an drill it? Thanks 4 the help n advance
2014 dues paid
Have you checked other reference points to determine "level"? It might be prudent to check that the spar carry thru is level. I would think the wing attach points and the horizontal stab should be parallel.

main spar

ok, I will double check the main spar..hopefully it is closer to the aft deck..it does seem like there is a slight twist to the fuselage. .5 of 1 degree difference..I just didn't know if this was acceptable.. i doubt that it is normal
Top skin on fuselage on?

We have found those same symptoms here at ORK when the top rear fuselage skin is not in place. If it is not installed yet just try clecoing it on and check for level again.

Vic LaRocca
RV-8 Canopy
Little Rock, AR
Actually the drilling and riveting of the aft deck plate is what makes the fuselage torsionally solid.
If the fuselage was slightly twisted when the rear deck plate was fitted and drilled, that is how it will stay without unriveting and match drilling another plate.
Please take a look at it any way.

Mine is a slow build and my partners is a quick build. Aft decks were rivited and top skin was not. Both of us had the same symptoms. When we put the top rear skin on with just clecos the twist went away. They stayed straight after riviting.-Vic

I called vans and talked to Kent..He told me not to get to fussy about it..He said a 1/2 of 1 degree was really good. if it was 3 degrees out that would be something to work on. I am just to add a shim because I can but he also said it won't make much difference if I didn't add the shim. alot of turbulant air traveling over the h stab won't know the difference.
Thanks for providing the feedback from Vans. Helps to keep it in perspective that again we are not building rocket ships.
Mine required an uneven amount of shims. Don't have the exact thickness but was about 1/8". So here is where it will probably show up next;

The twist in the tailcone resulted in the vertical stab not being centered in the cone.
It might be worth checking with a traditional level as well. While I haven't tried them all, I have yet to find a digital level that was truly accurate. I save the digital level for control deflection and measurements where .5 degrees won't make a difference.
V-tailed Bonanzas fly just fine.

Just like Van's indicated, don't sweat the small stuff, just mount the HS and VS level and move on.

Not saying to be sloppy, but just saying that keeping everything perfectly aligned on these riveted structures is not easy, nor necessary! Even General Motors builds allowances into their cars for alignment of fenders, doors, etc.... and they make many thousands of the same car, with the same frames, etc.

Perfection is the enemy of completion.

Flameproof suit on!