
Well Known Member
We are finally able to visit kids & grandkids in KC mid Nov and I've got an opportunity to get some aerobatic training in a Pitts S2A. I want to be able to fly gentlemen aerobatics in my 8 safely.

Is training in a Pitts good for doing aerobatics in my 8?
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As a general rule, if you can fly a Pitts, you can fly almost anything.

The S2 is a great training machine.

As with most flight training one of the biggest things is the quality, background and personality of the instructor.

I have never heard anybody who took aerobatic training that in hindsight thought it was anything other than a very good use of time and money.

If the school or individual will send you the training manual with the entry speeds and key points for what you will be learning so you can study and prep in advance, you will get a lot more from the time in the air.

In case the wx does not work out when you are south, you might consider Luke Penner.
Luke Penner is in Manitoba. You can find several of older videos that Flight Chops made. Depending on how much RV-8 time and TW time you have, he might even let you have the back seat. You won't find very many instructors that will trust you that far or allow that.
He now teaches in the EXTRA 300. Also a great machine for the job.
He has paid his dues for a lot of years.

Have fun!
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Is training in a Pitts good for doing aerobatics in my 8?

Not as good as in the -8, but plenty good ;)

The S2 is very capable and easy to fly (well, the take-off & landings are challenging mainly due to the lack of visibility). Probably more powerful (only flew the 260hp 2B) and much more responsive than an -8. On the other hand the -8 will accelerate towards Vne quicker in a downline.

Notwithstanding the above, yes, take the training in that Pitts and enjoy yourself in the -8 later, respectful of the differences.