
What is a good solution for the 2020 FAA mandate for ADSB Out?

I'd love to hear from anyone who has already complied, what it involved and the costs incurred... also how do you like it.

What is a good solution for the 2020 FAA mandate for ADSB Out?

I'd love to hear from anyone who has already complied, what it involved and the costs incurred... also how do you like it.

It depends on what avionics you currently have, how much capability you want and how much $$$ you are willing to spend.

It depends on what avionics you currently have, how much capability you want and how much $$$ you are willing to spend.


Tell us if you already own (and if so, what brand/model):
a flat panel display including iPad like devices
an IFR approved (TSO'd) gps navigator
mode S-ES transponder
Do you ever envision flying at or above FL180?

Post the answers, and lots of people will tell you how to spend your money.

To answer your specific question: I already owned a Garmin 420W and GRT HX EFIS. I upgraded the 420W software ($70), bought a Trig TT-22 transponder ($2200), sold my existing 327 transponder (-$600), got the FAA $500 rebate, for a net out of pocket cost of $1170. I already owned ($500, factory refurbished) a Skyradar ADSB-in dual frequency box for ADSB-in (displays on the HX and my iPad). Yes, traffic is nice. But I really like the long range weather radar (remember, not quite real time) for long x/c trips.
Trig 72

Trig 72 is the newest certified GPS position that sells for less than 400.00 and can be found at Aircraft Spruce.... But the antenna is about the same price as the GPS
Trig 72 is the newest certified GPS position that sells for less than 400.00 and can be found at Aircraft Spruce.... But the antenna is about the same price as the GPS

Read the fine print carefully. It is 'certified', e.g., carries a TSO, but it's not the correct TSO! It is not 2020 compliant.
I am rethinking

ADS-B completely after my IA renewal clinic. Lots of good info there, and my take away was that going ES is smarter than UAT if you are going to travel out of the US.
Canada will not support UAT; Mexico appears to be the same.
I already had Garmin GNC420W for position and Dynon FD180 for altitude. removed KT76 and installed Garmin GTX345. They take up the same panel space. Entire install took about a day. Cost was $4000 not including the $500 check I got from the feds. Very happy with the solution. Traffic is displayed on the 420 and aural alerts come over the audio panel.
Not a good answer.

I think the rest are correct to say you need a little more information, but just what we did. We put a Garmin Tansponder with EXS out and put an ADSB receiver for in, I think it is a GDL-39R. If you need a WAAS GPS also they have little boxes for that too. Hope this helps, Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
It depends on what avionics you currently have, how much capability you want and how much $$$ you are willing to spend.

What was I thinking. Of course more info is necessary!

My panel:
Dynon FlightDeck 180
Garmin 327 transponder
Garmin SL30 com
TRIG backup com
PM 1000 IC
Dynon HS 34
TRU Track AP

I'm happy with everything and just want to comply with the FAA mandate to fly in Class B and C airspace and not spend a lot of money. I'm not flying in Class A.


Still need more info. How much capability you want (In and Out or Out only) and if you are going to fly international at all. If you are a member of AOPA I recommend you do the ADS-B Selection Wizard they have. Gets you pointed in the right direction very quickly.

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ADS-B vs Big Brother

Don't think for a moment BB ain't watching......:eek:

Yesterday I flew for about 45 minutes....landed....put er to bed...grabbed a cold one....opened Flight Aware...BAM, my flight I just landed from 10 minutes ago was already recorded for the whole world to see.

I will be more careful about buzzing my friends houses and where I do acro.
I already had Garmin GNC420W for position and Dynon FD180 for altitude. removed KT76 and installed Garmin GTX345. They take up the same panel space. Entire install took about a day. Cost was $4000 not including the $500 check I got from the feds. Very happy with the solution. Traffic is displayed on the 420 and aural alerts come over the audio panel.

This is what I did also except I removed the Garmin GTX327 and replaced with the GTX345.
This is what I did also except I removed the Garmin GTX327 and replaced with the GTX345.

The GTX345 is a great all-in-one box and can send data via BlueTooth to your iPad/Foreflight. Not cheap but it will fit in the same hole (new rack, connectors) as the 327 but is apparently a little longer.
See this thread for information on how to request that the FAA not share your flight data with commercial entities like Flight Aware:

Although Big Brother will be watching, at least they won't pass it on for the whole world to see. However, as the post points out, Flight Aware and other flight tracking companies use other data, such as ADS-B, to track flights. According to this post (and at that time) Flight Aware will honor requests made to the FAA not to track flights.

Direct link to the FAA's blocking request site:

I'm amazed at what one can learn here sometimes. Thanks Carl! Didn't know that.
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