
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
…a dedicated thread for you to attach your POH document. The attach button looks like a paperclip.

PLEASE: Put your Name and N-number in the subject line

N113DU, Berchmans Wick

POH attached


  • Burke's RV8 POH Rev 8 pdf.pdf
    388.5 KB · Views: 778
my RV-8 manual

Very nice Luca!

Two comments:

- On page 9, Vne should be 200 KTAS (230 MPH TAS), not IAS.

- And on page 7 (and other pages), Normal Category is denoted at the Max Design Gross Weight of 816.46 Kg (1800 pounds). The RV-8/8A is designed for the Utility Category g-limts (+4.4/-1.75 g) at Max Design Gross Weight of 816.46 Kg (1800 pounds), not the Normal Category (+3.8/-1.5 g). Ref:
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