Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
For the last many years, we have had one or two meet and greet things at the Theatre in the Woods. I assume folks would be interested in doing this again this year. I'll be OSH early in the week. The exact days I will be on site are not nailed down yet, and to a certain extent it will depend on the weather forecasts, and to a large part on how my ankle holds up. But I will be in Green Bay from the 25th to the 31st, and could be at OSH from Monday to Thursday. I plan to be at Van's dinner on Tuesday, and hopefully Bob Collins' BS session on Wednesday.

I think it makes sense to do two meetings - one early in the week, and one late in the week, as lots of folks don't stay for the whole show.

We had a short discussion about this on the RV-8 Yahoo Group. Looking at the forum schedule, attempting to avoid topics about RVs, I proposed:

Monday, July 27th, 11 AM, (changed from 1:15 PM)
Saturday, August 1st, 2 PM

No matter what time I suggest, I'm sure it would interfere with a forum that interested at least one RV-8/8A builder. But I did try to avoid the most likely candidates. But if I missed one that would likely attract many RVers, please let me know and propose an alternative time.

The Theatre in the Woods location has worked well in the past, as it provides the option of moving under the roof if needed due to hot sun or rain, or we can stand out in the sun if it isn't too hot. But, I'm open to other ideas too.

I'll bring some name tags and markers, so we can put faces to names we've seen online. Someone has usually brought donuts (I won't mention who, so as not to put pressure on him to repeat), but they didn't seem so popular last year. I was worried there would be some left over, but fortunately a certain Texan showed up and finished them off.

Last year was a good meeting. We even stumbled across Doug Reeves. He claimed to have no interest in RV-8s, but I didn't buy his excuse on why he was in the area.
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Great idea.

Kevin, Thanks for putting this together. I'm only going to be there the first part of the week and would like to be able to attend. I was planning to go see Marc Ausman from 1-2:15 on the 27th so I'll have to think about what to do. Quickly looking at the forum schedule for Monday, I didn't see anything really RV specific earlier that day. How would around 11am work instead?
Count me in

Great Idea. I will plan on being at both sessions. You know, in the future, we might want to consider creating an RV8/8A forum. I imagine we could get enough topics to formulate a short presentation with a lot of time left over for an open forum. It would be a little more formal than our Theater In the Woods cabal, but it might be more focused. The only (slight) problem I had with our informal meets is that the group usually breaks up into several small discussions and I can't help but think that I am missing something in the other discussions. Just a thought. See y'all there.
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Kevin, Thanks for putting this together. I'm only going to be there the first part of the week and would like to be able to attend. I was planning to go see Marc Ausman from 1-2:15 on the 27th so I'll have to think about what to do. Quickly looking at the forum schedule for Monday, I didn't see anything really RV specific earlier that day. How would around 11am work instead?
I had avoided the 11AM slot, as Kent Paser has a "Speed with Economy" forum that I thought some folks might want to attend. I have to admit I missed Marc Ausman's forum. Looking at the big picture schedule, I see that Kent Pacer has additional slots on Wednesday and Saturday, while Marc Ausman only has one other slot on Saturday. So, a move to 11AM on Monday is probably OK, as anyone who really wanted to see Kent Pacer's talk could get it on Wednesday instead.

Let's hold off on making an official schedule change until we see if anyone else has additional input. But if no one else has a better idea, I agree that we should move this to 11 AM on Monday.
... But if no one else has a better idea, I agree that we should move this to 11 AM on Monday.

I dunno, Kevin ... that late in the morning and Bob Dimeo may not show up with the requisite doughnuts ... is that a risk that you're willing to take? :D
Weather permitting I will be there for Monday, it would be great to meet you Steve! would love to show the mini "West by gawd Virginian"

Great Idea. I will plan on being at both sessions. You know, in the future, we might want to consider creating an RV8/8A forum. I imagine we could get enough topics to formulate a short presentation with a lot of time left over for an open forum. It would be a little more formal than our TOTW cabal, but it might be more focused. The only (slight) problem I had with our informal meets is that the group usually breaks up into several small discussions and I can't help but think that I am missing something in the other discussions. Just a thought. See y'all there.
Well as of now, I have lost Sunday and Monday, and probably Tuesday due to Launch slips - I might make the Saturday gathering.....
No one on this forum or the RV-8 group e-mail list has complained about the time change. So, we'll nail down the schedule:

Monday, July 27th, 11 AM
Saturday, August 1st, 2 PM

Location: Theatre in the Woods. If the weather is nice, look for some guys standing around just outside the roof. If if is raining, we'll be under the roof.
OSH RV forum

I plan to be there on Monday, WX permitting. I will not have wheels, but I will help out with donuts if someone can bring them!!

cell 864-525-8938
I'm replying for myself and Gary Daubert. We're flying to OSH in his 8. Should be there for the Monday meeting but if not we'll make the Saturday meeting.
I'll try to make it on Monday.

Also, I hope to have my -8 parked at the AEROLED outside booth Mon - Thurs. That depends on me finishing up the installation of the new style wing tips AND AEROLED getting a pair of NS90's to me in time to complete the wing tip installation before I depart for OSH.
kevin horton rv8 meeting @ OSH

I arrive on Monday in the afternoon and leave on Friday I guess you can't accomodate everyone but I would like to attend one of these meetings would like to have one in the middle of the week as some people come for the first part of the week or the last part.
I arrive on Monday in the afternoon and leave on Friday I guess you can't accomodate everyone but I would like to attend one of these meetings would like to have one in the middle of the week as some people come for the first part of the week or the last part.

Propose a time and place for a third meeting, and I bet you'll have a few people show up. Once you, and any other folks that want a third meeting, have zero'd in on a time and place, I'll add it to the first post so people can find it easier.
Hopefully ...

I'll make a run at it, traffic from Chicago permitting. I'm gonna need some good average speeds to get there in time...
We had a great turn out for the Monday meeting. There seemed to be well over 50 folks, from as far away as Finland. There may have been some Aussies there too, but if so they were unusually quiet. As always, it was nice to meet old friends, and put faces to on line IDs.
RV-8 get together

Kevin: Thanks for getting people together. My first experience of this and it was very pleasant. Nice folks, a lot of creativity, some good ideas shared and just plain fun. Good to meet you and learn of your experience as a test pilot as well as your ME background. You bring a unique and valuable point of view to the forums and I certainly thank you. Impressive to have a builder from Helsinki! Bill