
Well Known Member
I'm working on a standard build RV8-1 doing the Showplanes fastback. The top fuselage longerons aren't designed to be perfectly level, so they are angled down/in some. It looks like the standard Vans cockpit side rails (which I don't have) have an angle bent along the length of them such that the outboard edge rivets to the top of the longerons flush, then the rest of the inboard rails are level. The showplanes cockpit side rails don't have this lengthwise angle, so it looks like they would simply remain at the same angle of the longeron.
In some of the previous Showplanes fastback pictures, it looks like some of the -8 (maybe pre -1) kits had perfectly level top fuselage longerons? What have others done that are doing a Showplanes fastback with a -1 rv8 kit?
I have a -1 kit and my fastback mod is working OK

The longerons bend just after they pass the main bulkhead (where the wings insert). The FB side rails are made to continue going straight ahead they don't ride on the longeron a this point. Is this what you mean??

[email protected] - e-mail me and I can send you some pictures of whatt I've done if you have ??

No, don't think bend, I'm talking about the lengthwise "roll" of the longer on. I'll try to take some pictures of the question at hand.

If your describing the fact that the longeron "top face" is angled down and in, yet the underside of the canopy rails is flat...

I shimmed the tops of the 804 bulkheads...4 shims total.

Moving backwards, the heavy duty spacers under the roll bar attachment area (806?) seem to support the mid and aft span pretty well. It won't be as strong when the roll bar is not installed, but once it's in place, solid as a rock. By the aft seat bulkhead, the two surface match up pretty well

I am careful getting in and out with the roll bar removed.

Hope this makes sense, and answers what you're talking about.


ps. WHATEVER you do, don;t bend the rails to follow the longeron "slope" as you move forward of the 804...ask me how I know.:(

Hi Scott,

Joe helped me understand the logic of the cockpit rails through previous contact. Although not mentioned in the Showplanes text, Bryan does picture the shims Joe is talking about. They are on the upper photo on page 2-6 rev.a

I have yet to get to the point of riveting them on, but can confirm the rails are very solid, and reasonably level, which I think were your concerns, when all components of the assembly are clecoed together.

Joe, a quick question for you, which might aid Scott too. When dimpling the rails for the #40 rivets, the Van's plans ask you not to dimple the most aft and seventh most aft holes on each side. What did you do with those holes?

Many thanks,


Those holes are referenced on DWG 44 and have to do with the canopy sliding rails that are original equipment...not used with the SP FB.

Lots of items like this through-out the original vs FB instructions...I'm sure you're well aware of many already. Frustrating really, because you have to research the DWGs of something you'll never do.

The only rivets I left out of the rails are the "every other one" on the right side for the canopy hinge. (FB pg. 2-8)
