Paul Austin

Active Member
Hi Can anyone tell me the height diffrence between a rv6a and an rv7a at the point where you step onto the wing. I have not installed steps on my rv7a as i used to fly a rv6a with no steps and no problems but it looks like the 7 is a bit higher.:confused:
Yes, it is higher

I did not install the steps. I am 6' or a little less. I can get my leg up on the wing and then with a hand on the rail, a little hop is enough. For my wife I use a folding wooden step that I got from Sporty's which weighs 4 pounds. It is noticeably higher than my friend's 6A. I would do it the same way again. In the hangar, I have an old Audi wheel behind each wing which is a good height for the intermediate step when working on the aircraft.
I'm 6'1" and I have steps installed on each side. Glad I did it that way, too. I've tried stepping up on my wing without isn't something I'd want to do every time I get in the airplane. Just my 2 cents. ;)
Yeah...just wait..

...'til you're in your sixties. Ask me how I know:) Then you'll go looking for those steps on the shelf.

...'til you're in your sixties. Ask me how I know:) Then you'll go looking for those steps on the shelf.

At 58 & 3/4's, I can't even imagine no steps, or dragging a ladder out each time. And then someone would probably yank on the slider to get hold & crack that too, let along putting body weight on the flap... :eek:

Besides, Bob Axom proved that the speed difference isn't all that much; although I don't have time to look it up.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Hi Can anyone tell me the height diffrence between a rv6a and an rv7a at the point where you step onto the wing.

Short answer: three inches.

Longer answer: I measured the height at the trailing edge of the left wing (at the leading edge of the flap) as 27 inches (RV-6A) and 30 inches (RV-7A). One of the residents at my airpark built both RVs and had them in his hangar (thanks, Keith!).
