A few years ago someone flew I believe a 9A around the world, last leg Hawaii-California. Should be in the archives. Personally, I would disassemble and ship. But if you are looking for some adventure, that's a good one.
It was John Koehler, based at Concord CA, who flew his RV-9A around the world, but got caught out by weather in Hawaii, delaying the final leg to the US.

Jon Johannsen's book "Aiming High" chronicles his various circumnavigations from Australia and is well worth a read.

It will involve a couple of 2000NM legs to cross the Pacific unless you go the long way round. Logistics of Avgas at places like Kiribati are also difficult from what I've heard. And all the fun of crossing the ITCZ!
I sold my RV7A several years ago to a person in Australia. Jon Johanson ferried it there.
Hawaii, Kiribis, American Somoa, Lord Howe island, then part way across Australia.
I think a total of 63 hours or so flight time. Quite a trip. He was well prepared and it was not his first trip.

John Koonce
N 78MU
RV 10
For the fun of it, of course. Education and enjoyment, remember all that stuff?

Well, I was kind of expecting an answer from the OP to whom my question was addressed.

A check on the OP's recent posts indicates that he does not even own an RV7A so flying one across the really vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean to Australia is a moot point at this stage.
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