I am having a little trouble with an electric Artificial Horizon that I mounted on my panel. It's not going back to straight and level after a steep turn.

The instrument is a Zero deg tilt angle RC Allen instrument.

Does anyone know what is the published tilt angle of the instrument panel?
It is obvious to me that it isn't straight up and down "zero deg".
Most gyro's are available with either 0 or 8 degrees tilt, you want the one with 8 degrees tilt for an RV7 / 9. I also think Vans instructions / documents state the panel has a built in 8 degree tilt, or at least that's what I remember. I would be surprised if Van used some non-standard tilt angle in his design.
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What Joe said......

....is correct. Ours had a sticker on it that indicated that it had been modified for the 8 degree tilt...$50 cost IIRC.
