Paul K

Well Known Member
I have become a statistic! My slider canopy has cracked. Some details:

- Finished canopy 5 years ago, flying for 4 years. 230 hrs
- Canopy installed with vans recommended method and fasteners but used a "bed" of Sike Flex between the canopy and all metal surfaces.
- The crack started about 8 inches behind the handle, extending about a foot down towards the bottom side skirt on one side and about 6 inches on the other.
- 230 Hrs total, No other issues and a very smooth running RV. No vibration issues known to be.
- Flying today with passenger but in smooth air and an OAT of 27F. 6000 ft.
- Canopy opens and closed very smoothly with little effort.

I inspect the canopy as part of every pre-flight and there were no cracks before the flight. Did not hear anything but noticed a very cold wind behind me all of the sudden. The rear of the canopy displaced upwords about half the thickness of the plastic.

I plan to replace the canopy on the slider but am not looking forward to it as I am fearful of getting a good fit at the front rollbar fairing. I do not want to have to adjust the front area at all!

Looking for suggestions and information to make this less painful and on the best practice to use to try to avoid another cracked canopy.
I used mostly Sika-Flex for the entire canopy. Where I still used rivets and screws was only along the canopy skirts to attach them to frame and plexiglass.

My canopy has a significant gap (~3/8") between the plexi and top center frame toward the back that would have been very stressed if fastened with screws or rivets.

I also used rubber spacers between the canopy and frame that allow for about 1/8" of Sika between the two. I only have about 150 hrs so far so I can't attest to longevity.