
Moderator, Asst. Line Boy
OK, here's the post that took too many days to get hung. Doug was nice enough to report this news yesterday (thank you very kindly, Sir Doug). So, here's the rest of the story.

BLUF: My project is now officially no longer a's an airplane!

DAR Mel Asbury was gracious enough to travel to 52F and conduct N260KM's airworthiness inspection. He was quite thorough, which had two effects on me:
1) I was nerveous. I felt like a new dad waiting to find out if his 'child' was born with 7 fingers or some key component missing or broke.
2) I was grateful, because now (if ever) is the time to find a problem and get it fixed before flying the craft.

"Kelli Girl" passed! Mel gave me two recommendations, but found zero defects requiring repair. I plan to get her airborne before the month ends.


Mel left no stone unturned.


Hey Paul Dye, how often do you see two of your columnists in one shot?


A B-777 student captain of mine at American Airlines Flight Academy gave me this 'present', and I've been saving it for this very day.

Now, time to cowl up and prepare for Phase I....:cool:
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Wow, Mel does amazing inspections - I don't think I've ever seen or heard of a DAR crawling into the baggage area of an RV.

Congratulations Scroll - you're gonna love it!
Congratulations Colonel! Mel always finds some discrepancies how come you got only "recommendations"? :)
Well, to be clear, he said these two recommendations weren't mandatory, but (sheesh) they're REALLY GREAT recommendations. I am not stupid.

I'll definitely act on the ELT antenna cable rec. In short, run ELT cables around bulkheads, not through them through snap bushings. Reason: if the bulkhead fails in a crash, it will likely slice through the antenna cable and render the ELT useless.

His other recommendation involved my oil/air seperator breather hose, which right now terminates about 5 in above the firewall base. I'm experimenting with Randy Richmond to try that magic length above the cowl outlet to minimize oil venting. I'm to let him know how that goes.
Great Job! I don't recall seeing Mel trying to climb in the back of our RV-3 when he licensed it....I think he's getting shorter!

It's all grown up

I can remember her as a cute little pile of aluminum and now look at her all grown up so big. You must be a proud Pappa.

Treat her well and enjoy your time with her.

Congrats Scoll
What a difference a few years makes!

I remember consulting when you first started! Remember the "click" on the torque wrench incident? LOL!! Now look at you and your "Kelli Girl!" Can't wait to hear about the next chapter of the story! Congrats Sid! :D
Conceived at Langley

Hey Scroll,
Seems like just a year ago you were starting that thing in the basement at Langley! But we know better don't we? Congratulations and I hope you Kelli and Houston enjoy many fun-filled hours in that beautiful bird!

Sandman (still in your old hangar and won't be far behind you)
Newport News
Congrats Sid! I remember when you came by the mothership for your tour and flight. One of these days I'll get back down your way to say Hi... ;)
I was right. You did get it finished before I had a chance to get back out that way and further thwart your attempts at forward progress. Be there in a couple weeks though. If I have a free day I will shoot you a text.
Great to hear from y'all, and thanks for the kind words. I was reminded that whereas my project is now an airplane, my airplane will always remain a project. 99% complete, 99% yet to go. Can't wait to get her airborne. :cool: