
Active Member
Just finished my RV-7A and need to get a checkout for insurance purposes. The insurance requires 10 takeoffs and landings. Does anyone know if there is an instructor in the Pittsburgh, PA area. I currently fly a Glasair III so this should be a relatively easy requirement to fulfill. I've flown an RV-6 and assume the RV-7A will be similar. I cannot use my airplane for the training due to the FAA regulations (40hr flyoff).


Excellent RV Transition trainer

He's not in Pittsburgh but all he does is transition train and do tech counseling for RV's. I used him to get my PPL and also some dual in an RV7. Very knowledgeable, professional and effective. I highly recommend him. Check out his website
I mentioned he's not in Pittsburgh but you may work something out with him. Having a good transition trainer is worth your weight in gold.
Good luck!
How did it go Dean?

It would be interesting to hear how the first flight went and your comparisons of the GIII and the -7 flying qualities.