
Well Known Member
New video! RV-7A Immelmanns and Loops with Rich (former SR-71 Blackbird pilot)

This video is not intended to be used as instruction on how to fly or perform aerobatics maneuvers in an airplane.

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Misconceptions galore

While Colonel Graham is a distinguished Blackbird pilot and well experienced fighter pilot, his ability to teach aerobatics in such a trial and error method is far removed from what might be taught by a typical qualified aerobatic instructor. especially one with a competition background.
In no way does time at Mach 3+ equate to instructor value doing immelmanns.
I say this from my personal standpoint of considerable aerobatic/airshow experience, in addition to also having Blackbird time in my pilot's logbook.
Much of the time spent on the roll out at the top of the half loop includes errors and misconceptions, in addition to the comment made by another commenter regarding the need to immediately push to -1G prior to the roll; also wrong and dangerous.
Every year, lives are lost in botched aerobatic maneuvers. I would highly stress it is not a self-taught activity and urge anyone with the hopes of enjoying this multi dimensional regime to get professional instruction and guidance. I shudder to think of the RV guys out trying immelmanns after viewing this video.
George Andr?, USAF, Lockheed, TWA, Freebird Airshows, Team Zipper Air Racing, and other nefarious classified endeavors...
George, I see you've written an interesting looking book called "J-3 to Mach-3". It sounds like something I'd really enjoy and I look forward to reading it.
Much of the time spent on the roll out at the top of the half loop includes errors and misconceptions, in addition to the comment made by another commenter regarding the need to immediately push to -1G prior to the roll; also wrong and dangerous.

That comment was mine, inserted by Gene from another forum. Just like aileron rolls, there are several different ways to do the half roll on top of an Immelman. You can do it entirely positive G, zero G, or from -1/+1G. I did not imply that one needed to push to -1G to do a recreational Immelman. It was simply one of the three ways described for doing the roll.

In aerobatic competition, an Immelman is done by doing a round half loop to inverted, then rolling the airplane immediately upon reaching the apex of the loop with no flight path deviations during the roll. Technically, to do ANY half roll on a level line with no flight path deviations requires an exact transition between -1G/+1G or vice versa...even if the negative G only lasts an instant. Physics requires this unless you did an imperfect figure.

But for RV funning around acro, this technique is not required, nor was there any implication that it WAS required. That being said, maybe you could explain your comment regarding a competition style Immelman technique being "wrong and dangerous".
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agree 110% w Eric Sandifer! For future discusions lets separate aerobatics by cAtegories.

1- Competition Aerobatics...the only official method that counts. FAI/CIVA/IAC and many others including ARESTI have invested lots of time and Money to explain how to properly fly each manuever. If perfection is what you seek...look no further.

2- Airshow 1/2 the word says "show" it does not matter what you fly, how you fly it...its all for the audience and your ego trip. Competition and Airshow flying are two opposite ends and type of flying...

3- Military Aerobatics....all tactical. Might ressemble 1 & 2 but.....

More and more people put out claims of greatness out there...i personally only hire instructors and critiquers w/ FAI-IAC type of experience....all others might be fatally harmfull...... Next time you have an aerobatic instructor ask if he is a member of IAC an how many competition he/she has and at what will be surprised of the answers!
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