carl nank

Well Known Member
I need help from the RV7 guys who have installed the Gretz heated pitot mount. I had some great information given me in a previous post but, they were from RV6 builders and the 6 is quite different in the mounting area. Bob Axom sent some great pictures of his 6 install with the standoff in the leading edge area. After thoroughly checking it out, it just won't work in the 7.

Dynon has nobody who built a 7 to help so I sure could use some proven ideas.

Please help. Pictures would be real nice.
Need more help

I need help from someone who installed the Gretz system AFTER the wing was built.

Thanks for the two above responses. I forgot to say my wings are already on the plane.
Gretz Retrofit in an RV-7

Carl, I retrofitted the Gretz heated pitot tube in my completed RV-7 wing. I already had the Van's version of the stainless steel bent tube, but took it out to put in the heated version. While working on the closed in wing was a little harder than working with the "open" wing, it's still very doable.

I can take some pictures tomorrow if you'd like. What specifically would you like to see?

Thanks Dave. I discussed this with another friend and I beleive we worked out a plan. Glad to see someone else installed one with the wings already on.

If I run into a problem I will email you. I will do a good write up so I have something to share with others who have this problem.