A fun read...

Looking forward to the day when I am not drilling, deburring, bucking and begin to travel again. But then again, I may be a repeat offender.:D Great trip report.
Fantastic adventure, photos and writing Sandy and Roy!
Daughter Taylor and I did three corridors of the Grand Canyon after visiting grandma in Laughlin. Katie and I need to do it, plus Bryce. Many say Bryce is prettier...
Bryce and Grand Canyon

Thanks all! So glad you enjoyed the write-up. I love flying with Roy and love sharing our experiences.
Bruce - We flew over Bryce on our way home for Canyon de Chelly (which was a bucket list trip for me). As we flew over, we both said "wow - that is amazing. we have to go there!" It was truly spectacular. Many people we met said that Moab was even better. Guess we'll have to go check that out next....

I am buying an RV-7A in a month in Fresno heading to Atlanta and want to fly the Grand Canyon back (west to east). Do you have any pointers to give on how to do it? I see the VFR general aviation SFAR chart which I should be able to get off of Foreflight but it is confusing. Apparently I'm supposed to be quieter than 69 decibels??? You got me. And the sectors I'm supposed to maintain radio monitoring... to whom? They do have the frequencies... And the altitudes aren't quit clear. Are the altitudes in these "sectors" their air space or is it the floor I'm allowed to fly? The corridors are explicit on the altitudes so there's no argument there. But in the open space you have the 500 foot rule and from what I read is we are not allowed to go below the rim? Which way is true? Of course if the prior questions answer is the floor altitude then it won't matter. The no fly zones seem to be almost at same altitudes anyway. Then when I head east I want to check out Canyon de Chelly and Spider Rock. Doesn't seem to be any restrictions on that other than the 500' rule. I don't know what Moab is (other than mother of all bombs). Any insite you guys have would be appreciated!!
my secrets

I rarely give away my secrets but will make exception for Van's.
I have flown the Grand Canyon since high school. We used to cruise along the river in little planes back in the day. Now, we have corridors and restrictions.
An overlooked gem is Marble Canyon. It is a small strip just below the dam at Lake Powell. It is legal, fun... good condition for what it is.... and the best way to get a really close look at the geology and beauty of the canyon. There is a restaurant and trading post if you are hungry. Check it out. BTW... my most treasured Kodachrome memories are of taking a B17-G through the canyon from west to East. Pulled up and did a wingover just at Desert View Tower. The visitors up on top of the tower got any eye full when we flashed by them making lots of noise. I could even see the Nikons from my right seat position... and I bet they went home with a story to tell.
I bet they went home with a story to tell! That would be awesome! I will definitely head for those places. I'd love to get lunch down in Marble Canyon.

I just don't know from the things I've read on the internet how low you are allowed to go? I've read that you can't go below the rim and some quote just the 500' rule. I think the numbers in blue on the map is just the air space that you have to monitor the frequency on while you're in there? Like a class B shelf you have the ceiling and floor of the airspace? So, from what I'm seeing is I can go anywhere, except the "no fly zones", with the usual 500' rule? To me, I'm seeing that I can go down to 500' AGL? I feel comfortable enough in doing so but I don't want to step on any bodies toes. It sounds like you grew up there and/or are local there so you would know. Better to get someone to hold your hand a little until you learn the ropes...
So, is there a pattern that people follow like stay to the right and then people going the other way will be to your left? What's the ins and outs?
Get the chart as mentioned. It is all there. Eazy Peazy.

Been across a few times and did all of the corridors and Bryce in about 2.5 hours out of St. George a few years ago.

I would recommend early morning. The sun angles make for some great color and shadows, it is cooler and less bumps.

As spectacular as the Canyon and parks are, nothing compares to being ground level. Somehow flying over just doesn't have the same impact. It is still extremely cool.