
Hello all. New member with a new project.

I've hit the ground running. Just finished my empennage when attended Synergy Air's Fundementals Class followed by the week-long Empennage Class. Finished my entire empennage in four days.



The benefits of the lessons and techniques learned should propagate throughout my build.

Here are links to pics of my progress and the class.

Empennage Class Day 1

Empennage Class Day 2

Empennage Class Day 3

Empennage Class Day 4 (Final Day)

Shop setup.
4 days, that is amazing. Get that fuse on the way....oops, I mean wings...
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The Secret to My Success

Perhaps even more beneficial to my fast and high quality progress, is my lovely girlfriend, copilot and favorite rivet bucker, Donna (yes, she even attended Synergy's Fundamentals class with me).

Thanks Mike. It's good to be aboard. I've visited the site for years. It' was an excellent resource as I assembled my tools and set up my shop. The idea for the pictured DRDT2 table came from a post I saw on this site. Can't remember whose or I'd give them credit.

Enjoying reading your blogs and can relate to that spear gun disappearing into the distance. It gave me a good laugh. Welcome to the fray here.
Yep Pierre, I am indeed a lucky man.

Carl, glad you're enjoying my blogs. I really need to do some more writing. In the last year, Donna and I have traveled extensively, and excepting our recent trip to Oregon I haven't blogged about any if it. Living life is getting in the way of writing about it. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the welcomes. Donna and I are travel junkies. We are really excited by Rosie's posts. Once our plane is finished and through its testing phases, we will definitely fly along on the next island trip.

We are looking forward to establishing many friendships within the VAF community.
How far from completion is this project now? I've been interested in the homebuilt idea for years now and would like to see a build in progress a few times before jumping off into the deep end. I'd love to come by at some point when you plan on working on it just to watch and learn a little. PM me if this is something you'd be OK with. :D