
RV-7A C-GIME Matt P.

C-GIME has been flying for roughly 100 hrs already, but just recently got a paint job. Here are some new photos!



Some details:
Aerosport Power O-360-A1A
Hartzell C/S prop
One mag, One Lightspeed Plasma-II
Sam James cowl and plenum
Dual AFS-3500 w/ dual AHRS
TruTrak A/P
Leather interior from Classic Aero
Painted at Kolorfast at CYSH

The panel is self-explanatory, and I really like the center console (except the odd time when I need to do work under the panel, then it is the worst thing ever)...


The guys at Kolorfast did a great job on the paint. It is Dupont Imron base/clear, all metallic colors.



And a photo of pilot and co-pilot :)


Brings a smile to me everytime I go up, and I couldn't be happier with it.


Matt P.
Ottawa, Canada
Based at CYRP
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Wow! I am happy that my simple seat backs will occasionally fly in this beauty.:)
Great paint job impressive panel Matt!

Looks great. If you ever head windsor way, drop me a line. A few local rvers would love to see that up close.

Holy cr@p, Matt, that looks awesome.

BTW, did you overfly our new place the other Saturday early in the afternoon? We were literally driving up the street on our way home from Oshkosh and I saw a dark 7A do a fly over but couldn't think of anyone with one. I guessed it was you, though ;-)


Thanks guys for all the nice comments!

Yeah Mark, that was probably me. Your new house is in my typical stomping grounds right outside the terminal area. I'm sure you'll see me there again soon..

Rick - I'll let you know if I come out near Windsor. I would be there for the Red Bull air race next year, but it sounds like those are all cancelled for 2011 - that's too bad.

One Com only?


What a beautie. Makes me want to refinish my plane to you high standards.

Just out of curiosity: you have 2 GPS's but only 1 Com. Most planes have 2 Transceivers.

Congrats again on that beautiful plane.

Holy cr@p, Matt, that looks awesome.

BTW, did you overfly our new place the other Saturday early in the afternoon? We were literally driving up the street on our way home from Oshkosh and I saw a dark 7A do a fly over but couldn't think of anyone with one. I guessed it was you, though ;-)


Hey Mark,

I've looked over your site many many times...any update on teh house build?
