Dave Fogarty

Active Member
Hello All -

I need some help from those of you who have gone before me. I just received my standard build wing kit today from Van's. I need to know what else I require beyond the kit in order to complete the wings, and of course what the tribe recommends.

What I am aware of includes:

1. Fuel senders ( did the mechanical ones from Van's)
2. Pro-seal for the tanks (waiting on that till I get there due to spoilage issues)
3. Pick up hoses (bought the Van's hose - ptfe stainless overbraid)
4. Fuel caps (bought the deluxe ones)

Still need to decide on and aware that I still need at least the following items:

5. Landing Light & Strobe kits (Yes I will build to FAR 91.205 (b) thru (d) requirements VFR/IFR Day/Night. I have to believe LED is the way to go. Who is the go - to guy for this?

6. Pitot tube. I want a heated one for IFR flying. I understand the issue of no ice and G/A but I still want a good heated tube. Who is the best guy for this in the experience of other builders? I see that poly-flow LDPE tubing and quick release fittings seems to be the preferred material for the ram air output from the pitot tube assembly. I assume the Parker brand is the "best practice".

7. Any special tools? I already have several tungsten bucking bars and rivet guns, c-frame squeezer, the DRDT-2 etc.

8. Any other items? - besides of course a bucket of cash, a couple of knaves for the shop (thinking Hooters Gals here :rolleyes:) and lots more free time?

Thanks a bunch guys and bye for now.

- Dave
Wing Kit Extras

You've already listed most of the extras, but I'd add:

Wiring conduit (Van's sells a 50 ft roll).
Extra snap bushings to fit your pitot/AOA plumbing (Van's).
Pitot and AOA plumbing (I recommend the SafeAir kit(s)).

Pitot mounting kit to fit your pitot tube. The exact pitot model depends a bit on your panel...if you're going with Dynon you might want their heated pitot/AOA, etc. The Gretz mount works with the Dynon/other heated pitots I was considering so I picked up a Gretz kit from Spruce. Once the mount is installed you can add the pitot much later in the build.

If you're going with a leading edge landing/taxi light it will be easier to install the nutplates for the mount while you are prepping ribs...also easier to make the cutout for the lens while you have the leading edge assembly on your workbench in a cradle. You could go with an inexpensive Duckworks kit from Van's for the lens and mounting plate. This will let you mount either LED or conventional lighting later in the build.

Regarding tools: I used a 1"x48" belt sander, small drill press, and bandsaw in addition to the basic tool kit. You'll also need a bunch of 3/32 clecos, particularly if you're building both wings at the same time. I had the basic quantity from Cleaveland and was able to borrow about 400 more from guys in my EAA chapter.

You'll also need an accurate (i.e. postage) scale to measure Proseal (buy on sale from an office supply store) and the usual shop supplies (MEK, rags, popsicle sticks, gloves, etc.). I also bought a smooth white ceramic tile to mix the Proseal on and it worked great.

I also bought a smooth white ceramic tile to mix the Proseal on and it worked great.


I use the cheap disposable Gladware plastic dishes (about 4-5 ounce capacity) from Walmart, they are about $.30 each and I don't even bother cleaning them, though they are impervious to MEK and could be reused.
Let me know when, I want to come watch the Hooter's girls buck the rivets. Sorry, I am headed down hill from here.
though they are impervious to MEK and could be reused.

Just as a data point - MEK and plastic Solo cups (think beer cups at a kegger) do NOT get along well. My first proseal session I was throwing my dirty clecos in one, then poured MEK in and the bottom fell out of the cup in about 2 seconds and melted to the floor. I'm pretty sure these cups are polystyrene.
Beer Cups & MEK

Just as a data point - MEK and plastic Solo cups (think beer cups at a kegger) do NOT get along well. My first proseal session I was throwing my dirty clecos in one, then poured MEK in and the bottom fell out of the cup in about 2 seconds and melted to the floor. I'm pretty sure these cups are polystyrene.

They are 3 layer cups, clear crystal polystyrene, colored high impact polystyrene and the inside is white colored high impact polystyrene. MEK and other aromatics will melt these cups quicker than you can jug a beer:D
I think Mike covered it pretty well. Some add'l comments:

  • [*] Trutrak sells a/p brackets as separate kit. They are installable after the fact, but nice to have early. It's more critical to have the pitch servo bracket during fuse buildout.
    [*] PVC is an alternate to the van's conduit. smooth vs corrugated..
    [*] Safeair products are very good. Homedepot has a plastic tube cutter that is essential.
    [*] I have gretz, and I'm happy with it. But I thought Gretz had suspended business? Anyway, Dynon with aoa looks like a good choice.
    [*] Go ahead and get the proseal. it keeps well in the fridge. I mix the stuff on a paper plate with popsicle stick. Jamestown distributors sells some great syringes for application of gooey proseal, but a sandwich baggie can work too.
    [*] One thing to think about on the wings is whether you can get adequate forward lighting with landing lights in the tips. Dunno. I did duckworks hid in the leading edge.
    [*] When you close the tanks, consider hex head screws instead of regular phillips.
    [*] If you're doing capacitive tanks, buy a good a/c quality crimper.​

Have fun!
TruTrak AP Brackets

TruTrak no longer offers the brackets as a separate item...you'll have to order the complete roll servo kit.

One approach that worked for me was to post a wanted to buy ad on VAF. I was able to find both roll and pitch bracket kits this way.

that reminds me...

TruTrak no longer offers the brackets as a separate item...you'll have to order the complete roll servo kit.

One approach that worked for me was to post a wanted to buy ad on VAF. I was able to find both roll and pitch bracket kits this way.


Hmmmm, I happen to have an extra set of both pitch and roll brackets, unused. Weren't they around $70?