I assume you didn't build it, because that's in the builder's manual. Do you have that? Pull the wheels off, jack and level the plane both directions, and put a piece of angle on the axles long enough to span between the gear. That's how you set it up to drill the retainer bolt, but it'll also show misalignment after the fact. Hate to tell you, but making adjustments to wheel alignment on the RV-7 gear is very difficult after the retainer bolt hole has been drilled through the engine mount and gear. If the misalignment is small enough, you could redrill the hole slightly larger with the gear in alignment, but that would require a pretty small error to begin with, and also depends on how much edge distance you have from the first hole through the engine mount. If it's severe enough, the only real way to fix it is to buy new gear legs and redrill through the mount after the old holes in the mount have been welded over and reground on the inside.

Run them at 40 psi. Rotate the tires.

I have the same problem and the next set will
be MONSTER retreads.

Hope it helps