
I'm New Here
I am new to the forum and would like to build a 7 or 8. I am struggling with the pros and cons on both models and need something to push me in one direction or another. One thing that bothers me about the 7 is the landing gear in regards to the wheel pants and gear leg fairings. I will operate it almost exclusively off a grass strip, and I wonder about the durability of the wheel pants and fairings. I have noticed that the Wittman type gear sure moves around a lot in the fore and aft axis and am wondering if anyone out there has experienced any problems with the wheel pants and fairings not lasting due to the whiplash involved. Since the 8 has a flat gear leg cross section, it seems as though the fore and aft movement would be limited in comparison and the pants would last longer. The streamlined Grove gear would solve the leg fairing issue I think. If anyone has any thoughts, let me know. Thanks, Dan G.
well first off you really gotta decide what kind of flying you'll be doing with it... and if you're married, how does she feel about sitting behind you?

on the menu bar above your post use the search button.... you'll find loads of threads pertaining to the -7 vs -8 decision. as well as TW vs Tri gear, and tip up vs. slider, (for the -7)

good luck.

by the way,

welcome to the wonderful world of VAF!!

have you had a chance to fly in either one? if you look down the forums list, you'll find regional forums, post something there to find guys near you, and go get some first-hand experience in both...

but beware.... that free ride will cost you..... :eek::cool::D
Welcome !!!!

I am new to the forum and would like to build a 7 or 8. --------Dan G.

Dan, you are smarter than the average bear:D

First, you want to build an RV, second you joined VAF.

Good to have you aboard.