
I'm New Here
I have just purchased my RV-7 empennage kit and have had second thoughts about continuing with RV-7, favouring the RV-8 now. Could anyone let me know whether the two empennages are inter-changeable please, or do I need to start again with the RV-8 empennage kit?
At least the rudder is different.It is folded on the -8 and the the -7 has the wedge style trailing edge.I think they are also different in size.
I did it.


I built my empennage back in 2001-2002 as an RV-7, then reconsidered and decided to finish it as an 8. At that time the only thing I had to change was the HS. The rear spar assembly was the same, but the 8 HS has a smaller gap between the two sides since the fuselage is narrower. I drilled out all the rivets and saved the HS rear spar, then ordered the parts to rebuild it as an 8. The rudder on today's 7 is a new model I believe, so that would also have to be rebuilt on any modern kits.

Good luck.

P.S. - I'm glad I built an 8!
Thanks very much. I'll see what I can do about it from Vans and seek their advice. The boxes are still sealed. Not too hopeful of an exchange though.
The original early RV-7's vertical stabilizer and rudder were the same as what's on the 8.

The later (after about the first 100 or so kits were shipped?) RV-7 rudder and VS are larger, and are basically identical to the 9's rudder and VS.

The horizontal stab and elevator are very different between the 7 and 9, and slightly different between the 7 and 8 as Craig detailed above.

Since you've still got your emp kits in the unopened boxes, going for an exchange with Vans will be the best way.

BTW, as someone who longed for, and planned to build a -7 for a few years but never did... then helped a buddy build a hotrod -8 and got to fly it for a while, and then ended up buying a flying RV-6... I wholeheartedly recommend to build the RV-8 too :D It's more fun to fly and easier to land well and can carry a lot of stuff on long trips with the two baggage compartments which let you control your fore/aft baggage weight distribution.