Roberto RV-7

Well Known Member
Since I'm flying the RV-7 I have permanent satisfactions ...
In addition to all the affection of the people and the constant recognition of my fellow pilots, now my friend, the owner of the only L-29 in south americ offered to fly him at shows, to do some acrobatics.
It really was a pleasant surprise, because, at least here, many people will want to fly it as a pilot, which honors me greatly.
I have no doubt that training with the RV and the many shows we have done together has made ​​them think of me as one of their two current pilots and I am deeply grateful.
I leave you a video of the last training.
This time without music, or rather, with music to reactor.
What is the current price of kerosene in Argentina? It looks like a lot of fun but I'm glad somebody else is paying for the fuel!! Nice work Roberto

Evidently the L-29 can be flown off grass strips just like an RV.

The L-29 can put a smile on a face trained for no emotion.

Multi year world aerobatic champion Sveltana Kapanina ordinarily has a stern look , but can't resist cracking a Russian version of the RV grin!
Here the JP costs about $ 4 a gallon.
Indeed it is an airplane that spends much fuel, but it is used for airshows and passenger flights about 10 minutes with some acrobatics.
Just because the owner does not want to fly so much that you have a couple of guys to help him with that.
Used on grass without any problem, at least 3500 feet must have unobstructed in both headers.
We generally aerobatic flights and training together, I've uploaded several videos from Vimeo here.
They can come visit whenever they want
Peru I do not know, it's pretty far from here.
Argentina in a pretty big country, has sub tropical forests to the southernmost city in the world close to Antarctica.
We have beaches, waterfalls, deserts and mountains, all of which makes it an ideal place to fly an RV, in 3 years I have gone to many places, much help acrobatics theme because it is a way to see many places.
Some videos more:

In this overflight of the Andes to share with Chilean brothers and the flight of Villarrica Volcano, active and steamy ...