
Well Known Member
I'm helping my computer shy friend with his 7. He has the panel installed with clecos and we were looking at the locations for glass panels he wants to install. He is thinking of two Dynon 7" panels, one for each side plus some steam gauges. The panels would be perfect if you could mount them directly centered for pilot and passenger. The problem is there is a support behind the panel going forward to the bulkhead in front of the panel. The supports are on both sides directly centered in the panel where you would want the glass. We hate the idea of having to put the glass panels off to the side to miss this support. I'm guessing they could be relocated, and just wondering what others have done? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
Yes, the supports may be moved left or right and/or modified to clear the instruments.
Also keep in mind that it is not critical that the screens be "exactly" centered in front of the pilot. You will not notice if they are offset slightly.
Panel placements

With a tip-up canopy, keep in mind that you have to keep the top 2" or so clear so that the canopy forward angle stiffner will clear.
To expand on what Mel said, the panel itself (unlike the subpanel) is not structural and the supports that you mention basically space the panel forward and help support it. Vans, of course, would not explicitly approve my installation in the -6 but I bought an extra spacer (in the -6 they are separate pieces) and moved the left one to the side of the EFIS and put the spare on the other side. On your panel, you would have to cut the support flush with the subpanel and then rivet an angle along the cut edge to make a flange; then you can move your support left or right as necessary. It would not be hard to make an extra support from sheet aluminum if you needed. Also, someone here (was it Sam Buchanan? I can't remember.) did something similar but fabricated 'posts' from angle stock rather than full support ribs.
Try doing a search on the topic, a ton of pictures have been posted on different ways to move the ribs.
The panel does provide support

I too faced the same dilemma.

I am using the Dynon FlightDek180 and wanted it in the center in front of the pilot. The ribs are in the way and moving them to the side breaks the load path to the remaining rib forward to the firewall.

So I modified the rib as shown in the photo to clear the Dynon. You have to plan for clearance with the connections on the back of the Dynon but it works. My panel is laid out to place a second Dynon (future upgrade) in front of the passenger.


Panel Rib Modification.jpg

Dynon's new series is only 1-2" deep. Wouldn't require as deep a modification to the rib.

Food for thougth.
The Checkoway method ..

... is to merely cut off the aft portion of the F-745 panel supports and move them laterally to wherever you want. You install an angle piece for attaching to the subpanel at the forward end of the new panel support. Dan's website has good pics and explanation.
Moving the panel rib left or right

I am at the same state of construction.. Deciding what to do about glass and that left hand support rib. From a load path standpoint, moving the rib to a position left or right really ruins the structure since the subpanel can flex easily forward or aft, and twist in one plane. I asked "The Man" about it while at SNF, and got the answer I expected. Paraphrasing "This rib was designed not just to support the instrument panel, but to provide additional stiffness to the canopy hinge area via the instrument panel structure." Darn it. I knew that was coming before I asked.

OK, so I'll probably go to a similar effort as Paul Merems if I cut the rib at all.
I am cutting mine off and replacing it with two, one on each side of the glass.

With the top skin riveted on, there is minimal load sharing with that aft part of the rib, the subpanel/hinge area and the instrument panel....The instrument panel has very little strength in that axis. Most of the load is on the top skin and is transfered to the longerons.

In my case, I will share that minimum load with two replacement ribs.

I want them more for stiffening the instrument panel, not the subpanel.
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Van is The Man, but ...

... there are hundreds of RVs flying with only one rib on the right side, since the builders relocated the left side rib to accommodate a pilot-side PFS.

When I called the Mother Ship about cutting the F-745s and relocating the ribs, the response was, ( paraphrasing as best I can) "No problem. The 1/16" thick panel is pretty rigid on its own .. it doesn't need a lot of additional bracing. Usually one rib support somewhere between the L and R sides is all it takes." I moved both my new panel support ribs to just inside the GRT displays and the structure is totally rigid. Canopy frame opening and closing creates no movement or shifting of the panel-subpanel structure whatsoever. Not a problem.

...with all due respect to Van and his dang fine designs.:)