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I'm New Here
How about the recovery from a spin with the original supplied rudder?

Has anyone done it besides Vans? If so, did you record the event?

I'd like to know the details before I Man up to doing the test. Any comments would be appreciated. Same goes with your own horror stories.


I practice spins in my 7A every few weeks (with the 'new' rudder). It spins fast - try searching the forums. I think someone posted a good pilots eye view video some time ago.
I've tested a few RVs, including 7 and 6As, for spinning, in the UK. Never any doubt about the recovery - indeed, as with others, suspect "letting go" would see a recovery. They do not want to spin, and only get going after Turn 2 or so... but then the SBSs do get going :eek: Somewhat quicker than the 8...

RV-7 spins

Thank you. As for my airplane I will approach the spin regime with alot of caution. I have taught spin recovery in Cessna and Piper aircraft and as a younger man. I never thought it to be problematic. I have with age grown to respect the open forums and shared insight while building the RV-7. Now its time to go to the next level. However, "Caution" is the operative word.
Did you spin the -7 with the original rudder?:D
I practice spins in my 7A every few weeks (with the 'new' rudder). It spins fast - try searching the forums. I think someone posted a good pilots eye view video some time ago.

Currently building a 7 and want to get it certified for spins eventually. What do you mean by "new rudder".

Currently building a 7 and want to get it certified for spins eventually. What do you mean by "new rudder".


The original rudder was smaller - they switched to the larger counterweighted (current) rudder a few years ago. I built my plane from 2003-2005 and I had the new rudder - someone else can probably post a better way to recognize the new rudder.

I've only spun my RV (with the new rudder) - other than spinning pretty fast it was fine. If you have the original rudder I'd definitely do more research before spinning.
What do you mean by "new rudder".


The original rudder supplied with the -7 was the same as the RV-8. It was later changed to the RV-9 rudder which is taller and has a larger counterbalance.
Loops ???

What entry speed are you using? How many Gs are you pulling on the initial and how many Gs out the bottom? Does it bleed off rapidly over the top and build up quickly down the backside?

I have a fixed pitch prop.

Good Movies......Thanks


I use 160kts indicated at 4000 feet..Seems to work.

When practicing get into the habit of pulling the power on the back side..just in case..Now I don't both and I loop it over and over at constant power.

Which is 24sq at 7 to 7.5 GPH which is lean of peak.


3G at the bottom, try to aim for about 80kts at the top...Do not let the wings become unloaded, the airplane will build up speed raoidly if you..Hence my comment about pulling power to idle till you get used to the airplane.

OH I assume you have been trained on aerobatics?...If not do not attempt to teach yourself..This airplane is very cpable of biting you..See the thread about spinning one of these things inverted..Yes they do..Very well!


Van's recommends 120K - 165K entry (see Builders' Manual).

120K will take some skill to get round without hitting buffet, 165K will take no skill to get round, but may well prove embarrassing on the exit if you do not actively keep speed under control :eek: (as Frank points out)

In the UK recommended entry is 130K. When testing owners' aircraft I tend to say that 140K is "easier" for them... Use 3-4g on pull up, and ensure you get back to that on exit.

Apart from doing a proper aeros course / training, would advise 1 flight with an RV experienced Aerobatics instructor to look at the RV aspects. I would suggest do not learn aerobatics in an RV - the "errors" you need to experience will see rather too many VNE encounters i.e. "learn" on a more classic aerobatic type, and then "convert" to the RV.

Be very careful

with split S type manouvers..I got uncomfortably close to redline once by not managing entry speed carefully..Reverse half Cubans are safer till you get used to the airplane.

My Experience with a small rudder RV-7 and spins

I have a RV-7 with the small rudder. It also has a composite fixed prop so the CG is a little on the aft side. I had the parts for the big rudder but I had already built the small rudder and to be honest, I don?t care for the looks of the big rudder. My plan was to see how the spin testing went. If the recovery was slow, I would build and use the big rudder.

I did my spin and aerobatic testing with an aerobatic/unusual attitudes instructor on board. The FARS state that only ?essential personal? is allowed during phase I testing. I considered him essential for my testing. Others have different opinions here.

We both did left and right spins, up to three an a half turns. My instructor was very happy with how it behaved and the rate at which it recovered. He even said ?this thing recovers almost as fast as my Pitts?.

Good luck.
RV-7 spins

Thank you .....I Remember seeing Dan's Movie where he does some interesting manuevers. I thought he had the smaller rudder.....It recovered just fine. I will try to get a refresher in the near future. Thanks again for the honest reply.