Not sure

but I would think the area around the wing root and flap would be different because of the curvature of the 2 different fuselages.
Same Wing

The 8 and the 7 use the same wing. The span of the 7 is greater due to the wider fuselage.

How come the difference in wing area? RV8=116 sq ft and RV7=121 sq ft. Do they count area of the fuselage too?
Wing Differences

Are subtle...and most part numbers are identical. Same tanks, leading edges, and skin dimensions for the wing itself.

The rear spar is trimmed differently at the inboard end (stays full length on the 8).

Main spar center sections are obviously different due to fuselage width.

The inboard bottom right wing skin also has an NACA duct cutout on the 8/8A to provide fresh air to the rear passenger.

The flap ribs are the same, but the flap spar and skins are different to account for the difference in fit required at the fuselage.

Couple of more...

Push tubes are different lengths, the flap pushrod connection area is different (can't remember exactly, but remember differences in my construction vs. my usual "go to" web resources--which are -7s)


Could the smaller RV-8 wing area relate to the specs being developed with the old style wing-tip? The newer tips have significantly more area; see the PIREP in AOPA pilot (I think) on the RV-7 some years ago. Van talks about the extra tip area and the article discusses the difference in span between the two. Bill
Could the smaller RV-8 wing area relate to the specs being developed with the old style wing-tip? The newer tips have significantly more area; see the PIREP in AOPA pilot (I think) on the RV-7 some years ago. Van talks about the extra tip area and the article discusses the difference in span between the two. Bill
The RV-8 wing area with the old tips was 110 sq. ft.

The standard way to calculate wing area includes the portion of the fuselage that lies between the leading and trailing edge of the wing. That part of the fuselage is wider on the RV-7, so it has more area. This is why the RV-7 has a larger wing area than the RV-8, even though the wing panels are identical.
Thanks for the info guys... Just trying to get an idea of what it takes to interchange the wings. So, just to clarify... everyone is in agreement that the skins and ribs are identical parts? Except for the NACA duct for ventilation (not a big deal) and the flaps at the fuselage intersection. So if someone had a -7 wing and used the -8 flaps, rear spar, and control tubes, they could put it on an -8?