
Well Known Member
What a great feeling... on my way back from Austin to Dallas the other day I was using flight following so I was talking with the DFW copntrollers. As I was getting close to my home airport (52F) I was also monitoring unicom and heard an SR22 reporting about 5 miles behind me also headed for 52F. Not wanting to get run over I asked the controllers if they saw the airplane at my 6 oclock and if he was going to overtake me.... he came back and said "No you got him by at least 10 knots so don't worry!". I was at 75% power and doing about 166K. He landed after I was already out of the plane and pushing her into the hanger :D
I hate to rain on your parade, but it's not a race until both parties know they are in a race.
I was asked repeatedly to slow down for a turbo prop I was trailing into Wichita.

.....ok it was a Caravan:cool:.
What a great feeling... on my way back from Austin to Dallas the other day I was using flight following so I was talking with the DFW copntrollers. As I was getting close to my home airport (52F) I was also monitoring unicom and heard an SR22 reporting about 5 miles behind me also headed for 52F. Not wanting to get run over I asked the controllers if they saw the airplane at my 6 oclock and if he was going to overtake me.... he came back and said "No you got him by at least 10 knots so don't worry!". I was at 75% power and doing about 166K. He landed after I was already out of the plane and pushing her into the hanger :D

NOT gonna happen
RV vs. SR22

I've got a fair amount of time in RVs and an SR22.

Most RVs (at least the higher-powered ones) will outrun a Cirrus at low altitudes, and nearly all of them will outclimb the -22.

As altitude increases though, the long high-aspect ratio wing on the Cirrus becomes an advantage. At 15K, the Cirrus is about 10 knots faster than my RV-8 (on 50% more fuel burn).

Real world cruise speeds for the Cirrus are 168-174 knots LOP, and about 180-184 ROP for early examples. Later airplanes and (rare) examples without the TKS deicing are a few knots faster, with some capable of 190+ knots ROP
Fun to be fast

It may not be a race 'till both parties know, but it was sure great flying up the central valley of California in my 6 slowly passing a V-Tail Bonanza:D
What the heck, bask a bit! :)

It's all good fun, so why not call it a race just for the heck of it! :) Enjoy the moment!

And nice job having such great SA all the way around (two freqs, building the great mental picture, etc.) And you got the coldest frosty at the bar by being the first one there! Isn't that the rule? (At least until the challenge coins come out! :D)

Got a compliment for the RV throng a while back while transiting Reno Approach airspace. Used flight following with ATC as I crossed the extended approach path to RNO, and a KingAir that passed overhead asked the controller, "what type aircraft was that red plane we just crossed over?" ATC deferred to me, and I said "RV-6". The other gent said, "wow, it looks fast!" Felt purty good!

I didn't tell him I was hiding a few extra horses under the hood, or that we were at loafing at 23-squared, TAS (via the Dynon) nibbling at 200 (9,500'). ;)

SR-22's are beautiful, state of the art machines, and it'd be fun to fly one...they've got range, way cool tech, xtra seats (unless you drive a -10), etc...but we've got RV, well, cool! Then again, I'm biased!

All said in fun!


Bob Mills
"Rocket" RV-6
Now Now

Give the man some latitude Tin Man - it depends on the numbers.....as in model.....

I agree with Bob - they are some pretty machines.

As Friday used to say, "just the facts mam" and here they are.

I looked up on Trade-a-plane and the values @ 75% for the SR-22 Turbo is 211kts and the SR22-G2 is 185knots. However, these machines have a 310 hp motor. Way gas is going, they may have it pulled back. We won't go near the VK-30 which is 260kts.

HOWEVER - If this is the SVRG2 version, it only has an IO-360 with 200 ponies and 75% cruise is 150 knots listed and the RV should win hands down. My money goes here. Oh - and notice that with 200hp, 75% cruise tops at 150kts. Would this mean less efficiency based on equivalent horsepower?

Now the editorial.....

I know that if someone had 200hp and could get only 172.5 mph (150kts) out of thier RV, you would be reading a post here of what's wrong with my plane.....and the reply would be......"put your pants on and cover up those naked wheels".

Things that make you go hmmm...
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RV vs SR-22

I hate to rain on your parade, but it's not a race until both parties know they are in a race.

I usually will deploy an umbrella if somebody "rains on my parade". It helps block their view as well.

Enjoy the memory!
Give the man some latitude Tin Man - it depends on the numbers.....as in model.....

I agree with Bob - they are some pretty machines.

As Friday used to say, "just the facts mam" and here they are.

I looked up on Trade-a-plane and the values @ 75% for the SR-22 Turbo is 211kts and the SR22-G2 is 185knots. However, these machines have a 310 hp motor. Way gas is going, they may have it pulled back. We won't go near the VK-30 which is 260kts.

HOWEVER - If this is the SVRG2 version, it only has an IO-360 with 200 ponies and 75% cruise is 150 knots listed and the RV should win hands down. My money goes here. Oh - and notice that with 200hp, 75% cruise tops at 150kts. Would this mean less efficiency based on equivalent horsepower?

Now the editorial.....

I know that if someone had 200hp and could get only 172.5 mph (150kts) out of thier RV, you would be reading a post here of what's wrong with my plane.....and the reply would be......"put your pants on and cover up those naked wheels".

Things that make you go hmmm...

We have few SR22s in our flight school so I am a bit fmiliar with them. Walt said he outran an SR22 (300+hp) not a SR20 (200hp). I also believe there was a bit of tounge in cheek in his statement. Look at all the numbers in Trade A Plane you want but in a side by side speed race a healthy SR22 will outrun a health RV7. Of course slow speed, short field performance, cost etc all favor the RV. BTW I am not a fan of the Cirrus products but thats another story.
Salute to Walt

That's his story and he's sticking to it.

The versions listed from TAP came up when I searched under SR22. I'm not familiar with Cirrus because my wallet just won't open that far.

Hey - if we equaled out the engines and up'ed Walt's plane to a 300+ machine, wonder what he would cruise at? Could we stand him? (LOL).

I can hear the story now......."and then the controller said please slow for spacing on the Lear........"
Hey maybe he was just feeling sorry for me and pulled the throttle back to make me feel good!

Regardless of the specific power settings involved it brought a big fat RV grin to my face :D

Just one of those moments that make you smile and you go "yeaaaa that's what I'm talkin about" !

Now when I get that Rocket built y'all better watch out :eek:
OK How about this?

I hate to rain on your parade, but it's not a race until both parties know they are in a race.

This race was held earlier this year and as indicated, the last two numbers are the race speeds in MPH and Kts respectively. The Factory Mooney Acclaim knew he was in a race as did the Cirrus 20. The numbers are from the www.sportairrace.org website.

Bob Axsom

Texoma Race Results:
Results By Time:

Race # Name Aircraft Class Speed (MPH) Speed (KTS)

Race 007 Rene' Dugas Turbo Legend Turbine 308.86 268.34
Race 74 Duncan Sutherland SX300 Sport 294.79 256.12
Race 91 Bruce Hammer Glasair I TD FX Blue 264.80 230.06
Race 36 Larry Henney Lancair 360 RG Blue 263.99 229.36
Race 13 James Redmon Berkut 360 RG Blue 256.03 222.44
Race 526 Dave Christman RV-8 RV Blue 222.00 192.88
Race 71 Bob Axsom RV-6A RV Blue 216.80 188.36
Race 08 Patrick Rydzewski Mooney Accclaim FAC1RG-T 215.55 187.27
Race 53 Dale Burgdorf Bonanza V35 FAC1RG 214.65 186.49
Race 83 Damon Berry RV-6 RV Blue 213.06 185.11
Race 24 Rich Guerra Velocity XL RG Sport 211.84 184.05
Race 34 Chris Murphy RV-4 RV Red 211.40 183.67
Race 17 Winn Harris RV-4 RV Blue 209.02 181.60
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 RV Blue 208.01 180.72
Race 77 Jim Huff Bonanza N35 FAC2RG 207.51 180.29
Ra ce 72 Chester Jurskis Bonanza S35 FAC1RG 200.77 174.43
Race 06 Jim Hogue Mustang II FX Red 191.55 166.42
Race 58 Charlie Heathco RV-6A RV Red 186.17 161.75
Race 05 Henry Punzi Mooney M20C FAC4RG 176.77 153.58
Race 112 Stuart Morse Grumman AA5B FAC4FX 173.81 151.01
Race 09 Grant Rubinson Diamond DA40 FAC4FX 171.45 148.96
Race 448 Jim Porter Cirrus SR20 FAC3FX 169.70 147.44
This race was held earlier this year and as indicated, the last two numbers are the race speeds in MPH and Kts respectively. The Factory Mooney Acclaim knew he was in a race as did the Cirrus 20. The numbers are from the www.sportairrace.org website.

Bob Axsom

Texoma Race Results:
Results By Time:

Race # Name Aircraft Class Speed (MPH) Speed (KTS)

Race 007 Rene' Dugas Turbo Legend Turbine 308.86 268.34
Race 74 Duncan Sutherland SX300 Sport 294.79 256.12
Race 91 Bruce Hammer Glasair I TD FX Blue 264.80 230.06
Race 36 Larry Henney Lancair 360 RG Blue 263.99 229.36
Race 13 James Redmon Berkut 360 RG Blue 256.03 222.44
Race 526 Dave Christman RV-8 RV Blue 222.00 192.88
Race 71 Bob Axsom RV-6A RV Blue 216.80 188.36
Race 08 Patrick Rydzewski Mooney Accclaim FAC1RG-T 215.55 187.27
Race 53 Dale Burgdorf Bonanza V35 FAC1RG 214.65 186.49
Race 83 Damon Berry RV-6 RV Blue 213.06 185.11
Race 24 Rich Guerra Velocity XL RG Sport 211.84 184.05
Race 34 Chris Murphy RV-4 RV Red 211.40 183.67
Race 17 Winn Harris RV-4 RV Blue 209.02 181.60
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 RV Blue 208.01 180.72
Race 77 Jim Huff Bonanza N35 FAC2RG 207.51 180.29
Ra ce 72 Chester Jurskis Bonanza S35 FAC1RG 200.77 174.43
Race 06 Jim Hogue Mustang II FX Red 191.55 166.42
Race 58 Charlie Heathco RV-6A RV Red 186.17 161.75
Race 05 Henry Punzi Mooney M20C FAC4RG 176.77 153.58
Race 112 Stuart Morse Grumman AA5B FAC4FX 173.81 151.01
Race 09 Grant Rubinson Diamond DA40 FAC4FX 171.45 148.96
Race 448 Jim Porter Cirrus SR20 FAC3FX 169.70 147.44

Believe we're talking about an SR22 not an SR20 Bob.
More data ...

Believe we're talking about an SR22 not an SR20 Bob.

Some results where everyone **KNEW** the were in a race. For more details see:



Engine Available

Hey Walt - No longer do you need to doubt if the Cirrus guy pulled the trottle back if you buy the egine from the thread below.

Good used O-540 engines for sale

All you would have to do is sneak it under the cowl just like the guys that hide a corvette engine in a volkswagen. You'ld be a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Imagine the look on those Rocket faces when flew besides them and waved hello at 75%. :eek:

Image the grin on yours:D
Yes but Two RVs in the race beat the factory Mooney Acclaim which is significantly faster than anything Cirrus has marketed to date.

Bob Axsom
Thats a high school argument if I ever heard one.
Next time you're in the bay Area with your speed racer let me know, we'll line up one of our Sr22s against your a/c. Wanna put a couple hundred bucks on the line? Seriously.
I've flown in both aircraft. You will need a pretty slick RVX to beat the SR22 IMO in level speed but I've seen some fast RVs which can top 175 KTAS too. The RV will kill it in ROC however. Would be an interesting head to head. :)

I like my RV but the SR22 is one nice aircraft and I wouldn't mind one myself.
Called out

Thats a high school argument if I ever heard one.
Next time you're in the bay Area with your speed racer let me know, we'll line up one of our Sr22s against your a/c. Wanna put a couple hundred bucks on the line? Seriously.

Bob, If I'm not mistaken, you've been called out.
Tell you what....

next time I see that no good SR22 driver hangin around the skies over 52F I'll ask him if he wants to go for a quick spin and see who is the king, winner buys lunch at Blue hanger cafe :D
This has gone far enough. Apologies for any insults or ruffeld feathers. I'm sure everyone knows my opinon and willingness to back it up on the subject. Never said RVs were a bad airplane, I've built two myself.
tin man
RV3 x2
2000+ hours in RVs
Every One's a winner.

This has gone far enough. Apologies for any insults or ruffeld feathers. I'm sure everyone knows my opinon and willingness to back it up on the subject. Never said RVs were a bad airplane, I've built two myself.
tin man
RV3 x2
2000+ hours in RVs

Tin Man - I don't think anyone has ruffled feathers. I have to say this has been one fun thread. Truly some bragging rights out there.

The best part - 2 pilots were out there in the wild blue yonder having the time of their lives while the rest of us bums were looking up at them.

hmmmmm.....Can I get a ......My plane's faster than yours....Well, my plane has a better ROC.....Well my plane does it in 200 hp....Well............

It's like best of friends......Everyone's a winner.

I still think that Walt needs to hide a 540 under the cowl and sneak up on someone.

Cheers...Everyone's a winner......Even the guy in a Piper Cub at a smoking 90 knots (can he get that out if it??)
Even the guy in a Piper Cub at a smoking 90 knots (can he get that out if it??)
Only if he puts that chevy engine in it! 70 mph as I remember from my hours in one (65hp), but the airspeed indicator was known to be wonky...