Roberto RV-7

Well Known Member

Villa Ca??s, Santa F?, Argentina
Way cool, Roberto! Must be a kick to form up on a jet. Unfortunately, the only way that's going to happen with me is if I bust a TFR and a couple of Vipers zoom up alongside me.

I would imagine that, upon seeing NAVY on the sides of my plane, they'd back off.

Yeah, just far enough to switch to guns ... :D

Well done, Roberto!
Way cool, Roberto! Must be a kick to form up on a jet. Unfortunately, the only way that's going to happen with me is if I bust a TFR and a couple of Vipers zoom up alongside me.

I would imagine that, upon seeing NAVY on the sides of my plane, they'd back off.

Yeah, just far enough to switch to guns ... :D

Well done, Roberto!

We are lucky to have a friend, that we are convinced will buy or build an RV, this L-29 has, he is very generous and has led us to fly, and share it in many training flights with it at airshows in we participate.
Thanks Paul (also flew) and Hernan!

Argentina has been on my list for years as a place to just move way up the list...

It's a beautiful country, can come whenever they want, there are about 25 RVs, we all know.