
Well Known Member
How to make sense of the Vans baffle drawings??

As the subject line infers, I'm building a -7 with the IO-360-M1B (injected)

The drawings I have in front of me are:

  • OP-4 (IO-360) Although for a -8
  • OP40 (O-360)
  • Instructions that came withe the snorkel.

The OP40 drawings came with the baffle kit but does not reference the fuel injected engine.

The snorkel instructions seem to reference the OP-4 drawing thats for the -8 but does not reference any of the baffling part #s sent to me from Vans or listed in the OP40 drawings.

Am I missing a drawing?...How does one make sense of this mess??
Engine baffles


I have the IO-360-M1B engine and I ordered the "0-360 Baffle Kit" which came with all the parts plus a multi page instruction document with lots of drawings on how to install it.

The following text is a direct copy and paste off the Van's website for your clarification.

Those using 180 hp parallel-valve engines from Van’s (O-360-A1A, IO-360-M1B) should order the O-360 Engine Baffle Kit .

I hope this helps.

Yep you kind of have to piece the instructions together. The RV-14 plans also help quite a bit.
This is right about the point where the plans went completely off the rails and I resorted to using any available info to complete the project. Like Jeremy says, the RV 14 plans turned out to be some of the best info around. They're close enough to relate to the problem at hand, but still different, time to put your pondering cap on and press ahead...

If you understand the end goal, work to the finish.

As a side note, I think this is about the point where Vans pushes you to be weaned off the teat, nudging you into the "experimental" mindset you'll need to continue to first flight.

Maybe we should thank them for the pain!!!

When I had questions for Van's support about my IO, 7A baffles, ramps and snorkel, they sent me the RV-14 baffle plans (RV-14_47). They were more helpful in some places, but not in others. They do have color pictures, which helps with the cowl opening/ramp area visualization.
How to make sense of the Vans baffle drawings??

As the subject line infers, I'm building a -7 with the IO-360-M1B (injected)

The drawings I have in front of me are:

  • OP-4 (IO-360) Although for a -8
  • OP40 (O-360)
  • Instructions that came withe the snorkel.

The OP40 drawings came with the baffle kit but does not reference the fuel injected engine.

The snorkel instructions seem to reference the OP-4 drawing thats for the -8 but does not reference any of the baffling part #s sent to me from Vans or listed in the OP40 drawings.

Am I missing a drawing?...How does one make sense of this mess??

I had the same concerns. My 7 has the factoy IO engine and I used Vans parts. The bottom line, as many others will tell you, is that the baffle instructions are good to go except for the ramp on the left side inlet. That’s where the snorkel terminates in the filter. Basically you have to build that part from scratch. Neither the baffle nor the snorkel instructions are adequate.

So my advice is to
1. Don’t built the left side ramp per the instructions. If you do you will just have to do it twice.
2. Look at lots of examples of how others have done it. Seeing examples in person would be the best by far ( I did not have that opportunity). Scowering through builder websites for pictures is the next best thing. I did a lot of that, but it was still a challenge to visualize what the final product should look like.

I’m happy with how mine came out, although I would do it differently if I were building another one.

Also, as I am sure you know, the snorkel will probably need some modification to fit around the engine accessories. I cut out sections and glassed in new parts using modeling clay as a positive mold. Mine is functional but it isn’t particularly pretty.

Good luck!

So the answer seems to be: All the above.

I spoke with Vans today and they confirmed that all the document listed in my first post are used to guide one in building the baffles. They also confirmed that the -14 baffle docs are useful as a technique guide.

Thanks to everyone who replied and to Eric at Vans for all the great insights.