Hi, my name is Luigi and I'm builder/pilot of a marvellous RV-7. I'm based in Italy between Verona and Milano on a grass airstripe. I love this aircraft, because in Italy there are a lot of short airstripes and, with this aircraft, I'm really confident on 1200 feet grass airstripes.

The kit was a QB and I built a basic and clean VFR cockpit, really traditional (except the Trutrack Single Axe autopilot and the Garmin 296 fitted "cutting" the cockpit, see photo below). I have logged more than 200 hrs in 1 year and a half and I keep enjoying the "multirole" capability of this ship.
Here I am:

Right now is equipped with a new (bought from Vans) O-360-A1A plus a Sensenich metal propeller. I'm going to upgrade soon to a Hartzell CS Blended Airfoil, I strongly suggest to build directly with a CS, especially if you like to take off from short, muddy airstripes.

I was even looking to upgrade to a "minimum" IFR, but unfortunately here in Europe, you are still obliged to have an ADF and DME and so I'm waiting that rules will change. Now,you see the actual "classic"cockpit:

In 2008 (maybe 2007) we would like to make it to Oshkosh with other two italian RVs, we are already studying additional tanks for the cross of the pond!

Beautiful Luigi, beautiful,
The scenery is gorgeous and I don't suppose that you fly through canyons and rivers with your airplane? The airstrips are pretty short....1200'?

No, no canyon! :) In Italy is difficult to find them wide enough to fly with an aircraft...actually the photo is taken in the airport of Trento (ICAO is LIDT), a marvellous place with a long paved runway (around 3500'), actually the valley is wide enough (there are two airports in it) and it is one of the valley that goes from Italy to Austria.

By the way, just a curiosity, behind the photographer of that photo there is the other side of the valley and the mountains of it are actually the mountains where they filmed a Sylvester Stallone movie "Cliffhanger"; in the movie it was supposed that they were on the Rocky Mountains, but they did it here.

Regarding the 1200' (more or less 400 meters), yes there are many here of that lenght and, solo, I'm comfortable enough...

Vediamoci a Oshkosh!
Thanks, Luigi

Wow, thanks, Luigi for posting your photos and words. You have a beautiful airplane and a beautiful country to see from the air.
Best wishes,
Don Hull
con sorpresa:

ho visto la foto del tuo RV non sapevo che si potesse usare in Italia,non conosco a che tipo di categoria appartiene,sono qui in America da circa quarant'anni.Ho finito da poco un RV7A devo solo verniciarlo e devo fare le ispezioni ,ho lavorato con l"aiuto di mia moglie Alessandra e ci abbiamo messo quasi due anni.se ricevi questo messaggio puoi vedere le foto su un piccolo sito basta scrivere Franco piacibello poi vai su RV7 il mio indirizzo : [email protected] mi piacerebbe sapere la legge in Italia per quanto riguarda il volo. complimenti per il tuo bellissimo aereo. Franco.
Per Franco

Ciao Franco,

ti ringrazio per i complimenti. S?, anche in Italia si pu? fare l'RV-7 (e anche tanti altri) tramite l'equivalente della EAA che si chiama CAP (www.federazionecap.it).

L'ENAC (che ? la FAA italiana) sorveglia la costruzione e, poi, emette un Permit to Fly che ti permette di usarlo come un aereo normale tranne che per scuola, noleggio o lavoro aereo; lo puoi usare da privato con la PPL.

Tra l'altro la legge sta cambiando e, in futuro, sar? l'associazione stessa CAP ce far? le ispezioni.

In Italia volano adesso 1 RV8, 2 RV-7, 3 RV-6, 1 RV-9, 2 RV-4 e ce ne sono in costruzioni altri 5 o 6.

Adesso vado a vedere il tuo sito, ciao!

Hey Luigi,

How much are you paying for 100LL...or are you running Mogas?

The Brit that moved to the USA
RV7a 4 or 5 excitement filled hours
A lot

Hey Frank, yes I'm running on AVGAS and it is pretty expensive right now; fortunately my aeroclub has a good deal and the price is around Euro 1.7/Liter.

I have been in 1999 in Corvallis, with a rented PA-28 from California, we were on the way back from Boeing Field, Seattle and we had to stop there (the night was coming, although I'm Vfr Night rated, I'm not confident...)

Nice night over there, there was a univerisity party, something like that...

Luigi from Italia

Buona sera, signore capitano:

I saw with excitement your aero on the forum. I live in El Paso, Texas, and am building an RV-8 QB. I will be visiting in Italy the last week of September, and the first two weeks of October. My schedule is still very flexible, and I would very much like to visit with you. I am presently trying to set up a visit to the Ferrari factory in Modena (sono tifosi, per una macchina 308), so I should be in the general area. Should you ever be in my area, you are welcome to my home. I live in a fly-in community, and am also possessed by a Baron 58 and a Cessna 180, which are great to fly around the area, as well as into la mia fattoria in Messico. Il mio Italiano e molto cattivo, ma spero impariarlo piu bene..
Tommasso Navar
per Luigi

grazie per le interessanti informazioni, mi fa' piacere che in Italia ci sia questa liberta' di volare come qui' in America, una volta era difficilissimo, sono nato a Casale Monferrato dove ho incominciato a volare in un piccolo aereoporto dove ancora oggi viene usato molto per paracadutisti.vedo che sei al corrente di tutto, ma se ti servisse qualche informazione scrivimi senza complimenti.appena finisce la stagione degli uragani potro' verniciare l'RV e poi come ti ho gia' detto faro' le ispezioni con un ispettore FAA .ti saluto e grazie Franco.