Darren S

Well Known Member
Hi all,

I had the opportunity a few months ago to make a semi-professional video with a fella at my local field. He is a Police officer in Calgary and an avid aviator. He makes videos for the Calgary Police Service amongst other things and on the side makes short videos of guys and their airplanes.

We talked about doing a video of my RV-7 for sometime but couldn't seem to find time to hook up. Finally we got a chance.

The weather in Southern Alberta has been unusually warm and windy this year. We went out on 3 separate shoot days over the span of about 2 months. The air to air stuff was a little challenging and keeping in radio contact is imperative. The wind was knocking us around alot so some of the footage was un-usable but for a short video you only need a few seconds here and there.

The interview was done first then the getting in an out of the airplane 20 times, then the flying stuff.

All in all it was super fun and a perfect reason to go burn some AVGAS. Hope you all like :)



Awesome video Darren - thank you for sharing! I especially like the in-person aspects. It's cool to see the folks on here in 'real life' so to speak.

Well done.
Nice video, but where's your parachute for aerobatics?

It would be nice if so many folks weren't so spring-loaded to admonish others on these kinds of things. And he's in Canada. If you don't know the regs here, you probably don't know them there either.
I agree...

It would be nice if so many folks weren't so spring-loaded to admonish others on these kinds of things. And he's in Canada. If you don't know the regs here, you probably don't know them there either.

I'm not sure about Canada, but I suspect it is the same as the USA. parachute is not required when doing solo aerobatics. Read your FARs.
Cool video, and nice looking RV-7! I live in Calgary, AB and my fiance and I are about to start building a 7 ourselves. How long have you been flying yours for?

Dave and Karen
No Parachute needed for solo aerobatic

Glad you guys liked the video is was a hoot filming it and I've even tried my hand at it. I've posted a few vids on Youtube. Search DPSDDS and you'll find some of them.

Not quite as professional but I'm learning:)

A parachute is mandatory for the Contests but not otherwise. As long as you are above 2000 agl, not over populated areas, not in Class C without permission etc...... thanks for asking.

Glad you guys liked the video is was a hoot filming it and I've even tried my hand at it. I've posted a few vids on Youtube. Search DPSDDS and you'll find some of them.

Not quite as professional but I'm learning:)

A parachute is mandatory for the Contests but not otherwise. As long as you are above 2000 agl, not over populated areas, not in Class C without permission etc...... thanks for asking.



Great Video and thank you for sharing! It really inspires the guys reviewing plans, riveting and wrenching in their shops (garages).

I'm truly sorry that your efforts on producing and posting such an inspirational video was concluded by you having to quote the Regs. Once again we have a "fingerpointer" who doesn't even know what he's pointing at!:(

Great job! Thanks for posting!

You are a nice smooth pilot and excellent wheel landing, btw!
Hey Dave,

Glad to hear you are starting a -7. Lots of fun and excitement await. The distances you can travel in an RV are amazing. I just came back from a weekend with my wife in Sunriver, Oregon. We left Calgary (Chestermere), flew direct to Spokane (cleared customs) and flew direct to Sunriver. Flight time was a little under 4 hours with a slight head wind. Amazing! Beats a 17 hour drive.

PM me if ever you want to take a spin. I go flying all the time. I bought this -7 from a guy in London, Ont. in July 2010. It had 220 on the Hobbs. Two days ago she rolled 590. It's running better today than when I bought it. I've learned a lot about proper engine care from this forum and guys like Mike Busch of EAA fame. Leaning properly and a fuel additive called Decalin Runup has reduced the carbon build up and smoothened out the engine. The bottom plugs have NO lead build up when I rotate them.

BTW if you are looking for a good Dentist in Calgary I may know someone:)

Do feel free to contact me at anytime. Welcome to the forum, you will make many friends that you will meet face to face in Oshkosh:)

Excuse me..

My apologies for questioning the absence of a parachute in your video. I incorrectly thought it was a requirement for aerobatic flight, and have since been "flam-educated.":eek:
Thumbs UP!!

Darren...you just got me to jump off the computer chair and continue with my canopy, i was secretly checking yours out from the inside cockpit view :)

Love the video mate!!! Good landing...:D
Fantastic video and a beaut of a plane you've got there. You're the pilot in one of my favorite Youtube videos, the one with the two brothers. Hope you don't mind if I post it: http://youtu.be/i9lbceRiVV4. I love the smile on the first kid's face when you do the aero.

You've got a bunch of great videos, which definitely keep the inspiration level pegged for my build someday.



Nice job becoming our RV-7 Video ambassador!

I sent that video to some non-flying friends so they will better understand my plane.

It is hard to explain an RV to someone who doesn't even know the difference between a 172 and a P-51.

You video grabs the essence of a personal sport plane and it's role in GA!

Nice job!

;) CJ