
Anyone out there know if the RV7A can revert to a tail-wheel without major alterations? Have just sold off a RV8 project and have an interest in a 7A kit in town but want to consider a TW mod.
Depend on what you consider "major". Change the engine mount, remove main gear and install tail spring.
It's actually a fairly simple conversion.
conversion kit

I actually bought a VANS part numbered kit that converted a 9A to a 9 . It was at the quick build stage and no finish kit( engine mount) had been purchased at that time. The main gear supports inside the fuselage had already been installed. However, the conversion not what I would consider major at that build stage. By the way I still have the main gear legs and mounting assemblies if anyones going the other way.

Thanks Mel, was the answer i was looking for. This particular project has no finish kit so it seems a no brainer. Bad news is that the limited work done so far to the QB parts is of poor workmanship.