Rob Rickards

Active Member
Hi all,
A friend (SAA pilot) has alerted me to this sad news of a friend of his.
Hi Rob. Yep, Keith Patterson, one of our finest guys and a good friend and colleague for nearly 30 years. Flying an RV7 from PE to Cape Town, and had just passed George. It would seem to be an in-flight breakup of some sort. Weather was fine - aircraft just out of maintenance so there may be a connection there. Not the type of guy to do anything foolhardy - radar lost him in the cruise at FL100 with no mayday call. Really sad, did his check ride a few months ago.

From his family,
At approx 9am this morning, my dad, Keith Paterson left FAPE to deliver an RV7 (ZU-KAM) that he previously owned, to Cape Town. The aircraft was well equipped and had a very reliable autopilot. He was in the cruise at FL100 passing FAGG when he checked in with George Approach. Thereafter, the aircraft decended with no "mayday" call. His body was found not that close to the wreckage.

He was a SAA Captain with more than 20 000hrs and several hours on that specific RV7. He was a director at PTC Aviation in Port Elizabeth where he held the role of Head of Training and a DFE.

For those that have sent their messages of condolence, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Let's celebrate someone whom lived life to its absolute fullest.

From me
Sorry to share this unhappy news with VAF. I have some pics but don't have a photo host To post hear. Will work on finding as much info as possible.
Cheers Rob Rickards

Sad to read. Will be interesting to see what could have possibly gone that wrong with such an experienced pilot. Sorry to hear. :(