
This is interesting. I wonder what type of compensation and how much they are receiving for this "volunteer" effort. Seems to me it could get pretty costly to fly these missions while only "sharing" in fuel costs.
Hear, hear.

If a topic as divisive as immigration ends up being within the scope of these forums, I predict we will all [snip by dr].

There are about a thousand other places on the internet where people can go to discuss (read: insult each other about) politics - but very few where we can go to insult each other about (read: discuss) priming, or nosedraggers, or quickbuild kits, or whether or not to prime your nosedragger quickbuild kit. It'd be a shame to lose this one.

[snip by dr]
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Politics aside, an RV owner is volunteering to help prevent people from breaking United States laws.

Where's the problem with that? Or is there something about breaking U.S. laws OK?
Violation of the Prime Directive (I mean rule #4 <g>)

I snipped out the sentence in the first thread regarding a particular political stance. The news story link is relative, however (and an interesting read). That is certainly forum-worthy.

Rule #4 of the VAF site rules:
No discussion on the big three: religion, politics and/or affairs of the heart.

Best always,
Doug Reeves
Forum Owner
Since we're on the subject anyhow, Doug, how about posting a list of the non-swear words that are suddenly showing up as ***** in everyone's posts (including mine and I know I haven't 'cussed). I haven't been able to figure out the pattern. "Dumb" works but " ****** " gets the boot.
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Wilco, John

Good idea, John! I added (I think) ten or so words to the 'censorship' list in the forum software (it replaces them all with *). I'll add those to the Rules page tonight in a format easily interpreted (ex: as**ole, etc.).

another request

I know it is off topic, but how about a list of common abbriviations, I have figured out some, but some escape me.

A couple of examples below.

IMHO---------in my humble opinion

OWT---------Old wifes tale---???

Here's a few more I see occasionally:

IIRC -- if I remember correctly
YMMV -- your mileage may vary
SWMBO - She who must be obeyed
SO - significant other
OTOH - on the other hand
LMAO - laugh my (something) off

There are a lot of acronyms, so publishing a list might be a bit much. Here's a link to some so-called "Internet acronyms":

I'd also like to get a list of "bad" words. I've frequently found a bunch of splats in my posts and not figured out why. It seems Doug doesn't like it when I call myself an idi*t or admit to a d*mb mistake! :)