I'm New Here
Sorry for my poor english. I live in France neer mountain.
I will start to build an RV7 in few weeks, but I ask me a question : I want fly on mountain and land on snow, is it possible to instal ski on the RV7 ? Is the main landing gear enough rigid ?

If the answer is not for the RV7 : same question about the RV8 :)

Thanks for your help

Brother Kevin,
A skeptic amongst us, eh? Sure there are better kits available but Ben wanted to know if a -7 could be put on skis. If it's a cost-no-object deal, then it can be done, just as Mr. Eustace did the floats. Click this link for a quick look at what can be done when it was said that it probably couldn' 800 gallon Air Tractor amphib that can scoop 800 gallons from a river or lake, on the step, in ten seconds!! :eek: Imagine THAT quick trim change as you take on 6400 # in 10 seconds.....!!

I remember seeing a picture of a RV4 on skiis. I believe the plane was located in the upper midwest but it was years ago so I could be wrong on the location.


I would think putting skiis on an RV would be very simple. There are many different types....

One example: you just remove the wheel and slide a ski on to the axel. then add some rigging (bungee cord).

some more complicated ones strap to the gear legs and can be raises and lowered for use on and off the snow.

A quick google search reveals a load of skiis out there. Mostly selected based on the type of aircraft they are STC'ed for. But since we are experi"mental", just find some that fit, with the right amount of float, and slap 'em on. :D

Jeff Caplins