Hello everyone

I used to own an RV-7 build. I got up to the Wings stage and sold the build

I was comparing my old RV-7 plans with the RV-10

I wanted to make sure I understand the RV-10 vs the RV-7

on the RV-7 the wing has 3 attach points...the rear spar, the spar and the fuel tank attach fitting.

But the RV-10 only has 2 attach points the rear spar and the spar...I just want to make sure I understand the plans I saw on the RV-10..the small spar like part that sticks out of the inboard side of the fuel tank is not an attach point, but a support for the wing skin.

Thanks in advance for clearing this up for me.
That's an attach point as well

That forward piece will attach to the side of the fuselage with 2 bolts. When fitting the wings, one of the last steps is you will match drill a bracket that gets riveted to the tank at that point, then this bracket is bolted to the fuse. This will give you the 3 points. See step 4 on this page -> https://www.myrv10.com/Plans/RV10_Plans_sec44-pg03.html

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