Hi guys:

You were so helpful to me earlier in answering my questions about the differences of an RV6 versus a 7 or 9, I thought I'd go to the well one more time.

Based upon the info everyone provided, I have narrowed my search of potential airplanes to an RV7 and an RV9. I am planning on contacting the owner of the RV7 I am interested in and would like to know if there are any particular questions pertaining to an RV7 that I should be asking?

Also, the plane is powered by an Aero Sport Power 0-360 A2A and I was wondering if there are any questions/concerns about that particular engine I should express to the owner? Thanks again for the help.

Doesn't A2A mean solid crank that can only do fixed pitch prop? If so, if you're planning on ever running a constant speed prop down the road... this may not be an option for you...

I have a -9a with 0-320-A originally; I like the old low compression idea...less power, but with the future octane rating likely to fall, or mogas being an option, I like it.
I had very little time, so like the -9 for it's slower landing & pattern speed. In a few years, if I am very proficient, I could see me wanting a -7 to go upside down on occasion! :)

AeroSport is among the very highly regarded engine builders that you will see referenced on this list. That the engine was built by AeroSport is a point in its favour. As for particular concerns, I am sure you will ask about the engine history, hours since new and since rebuild, and any modifications (and check if it is affected by the ECI cylinder AD referenced in another thread, and the earlier Slick mag AD).
Bill Brooks
Ottawa, Canada
RV-6A finishing kit (and AeroSport I0-360)
Ask for a copy of the wiring diagram and some installation pictures.

You don't want to find yourself hunting down an electrical problem with no road map.

The engine is a Lycoming so the typical Lycoming questions should apply. Check to see if it has ECi cylinders and if it does, find out if they are subject to the recent AD.
No worries whatsoever in my opinion. Bart has a superb reputation and I'd fly behind any of his engines without question. (Same for Barret and others with excellent reputation).
