cjensen said:
Who has a website for an RV-7/7A with a 320 going in, or planning on it?

I don't know of a particular website, but we have a local builder here in the twin cities who is nearly complete with his RV7, O-320, Whirlwind and VFR panel. Really NICE, LIGHT, FAST (hopefully) RV that will no doubt be one of the lightest RV7's to hit the scales in a long time - and no doubt without a heavy engine on the nose will be a delight to fly as all of the 320 powered birds are. John has done a lot of really neat things...glued canopy, fiberglass skirts on the slider, sam james cowl/plenum and a host of other neat little things to make the plane very nice. He's on this list sometimes, but you can contact me off list if you'd like to speak with him.

How about 9's?

Hi Chad,

Can't tell from your question, but if you are looking for FWF info, I think the -9 and 7 are the same up front. There are lots of -9s with 320's. If that is not what you are looking for..... as the late, great Gilda Radner used to say "Never Mind " If it is, I have a carb ECI 320 and a Hartzell and would be happy to talk or share pictures.

Adding to Stein's post above - I've seen John's plane - it will be light, and it is very nice. John's a great guy to boot! But that glued canopy is only for crazy people ;)
7A with 320


It's about time you got a ride in a 7 with a 320. I am more than willing to accomodate if you are willing to come up to Morris. I had surgery last week and will not have my medical back for about 30 so if I want to fly I need a pilot with me to be legal. I'll be out of town this week end and my son is taking the airplane next weekend, but any evening next week will work if you can make it up here.

Thanks guys. The 9 and 7 being the same fuse will be helpful...but I'm curious as to where people are putting things to get the CG right with the 7. Everything as far forward as possible?

Pete (Decraene), I have no problem coming up to Morris! Next week should work for me anytime. I'll jump in the Comanche and buzz up there.

I have been told that the engine mount for the 7 with a O-320 moves the engine further forward to ofset the CG issue. I think the cowling is different of accomodate.

Having second thoughts on the Subie?
HI Chad,

I really cannot pay Stein or Pete what they deserve for the nice comments, but I will share my experience so far. My plane is not yet done or weighed, but I will update folks as it gets there.


My plane's engine started out as an O-320 A3B, it had originally come from a Twin Commanche, and spent its last 100 hrs on a Pitts. The Pitts owner wanted a bigger engine, and the O-320 was run out 2100 hours. It sat for a while and I bought it at a song, but with no assurances as to condition. I got lucky and everything checked out with no machine work. I was able to trade the straight riser sump even up with the more forward vertical induction sump, and with the help of Mahlon, get my accessory case changed to accept the new sump. I was able to buy a new carb to replace the pressure carb that I got, and trade the old mags in on new ones for a song. All in all I got new flowed Lycon cylinders, with custom pistons, new mags and carb, and yellow tagged everything else for less than $12K.

The O-320's are becoming cheap and plentiful on the used/salvage market because everyone wants the big engine. My plane is budget driven, because even though I am a lawyer, I chose to be a public defender, and forgo the big firm job...so I must be frugal. My plane will be completed for about what my Citabria was worth.


I would go with the SJ cowl again. It is a really high quality piece. Because the Van's mount moves the engine forward 2", you can use the WW 151 prop with thei free extended hub version and it will fit just fine.

I would go with the WW prop. It is a super high quality piece, and my discussions with them (many recently) have convinced me that they are a concientous and fair company. The light weight makes me feel better about acro with a long hub prop. It actually weighs 31 lbs with the spinner and everything. At $7500 with spinner and everything, this is a great value now that Hartzells are over $6K. Reports from others support WW's claim that the new tapered blade 151 is as fast as the Hartzell, the old fat blade 150 was a few MPH slower.

The extended engine mount gives acres of room behind the engine...there is absolutely no need for the firewall recess, for example.

I do not know if CG will be an issue yet, but I have tried to keep it light and move everything as far forward as possible.

As an extra bonus, I needed a starter, and because CG will be an issue, I installed the original presolite. Adds 10 lbs right where you want it and the prestolite, yello tagged with new bendix and bearings cost me $150 on ebay. In addition, it is very durable, draws the fewest amps of any starter available, and with a carbed and mag fired engine, it will start it just fine. My former Citabria had the sky tec HT inline starter which actually spun it so fast that the impulse coupling quit working. So, cheap plentiful and durable.

I have taken a number of pictures as it has progressed, and would be happy to help where I can. Van's FWF kit will not work when it comes to some of the hoses, unless you stick with the shorter O-360 mount. But I like the extra nose length, it really makes the plane llok cool.
Thanks for the info John! The more I think about it, and the more research I do, the more I like the idea of a 320 up front. My list of options almost parallels yours, but I intend to use a FP prop at this point...mainly because I intend to buy a new engine from Aerosport, so money will be spent there instead. I'll probably do a CS crank however, so that I can upgrade in the future if I want.

The SJ cowl is a must for me, mainly for looks, but I also like the plenum.

I'd love to see pics of your install where I have questions.

Good tip on the Prestolite starter... :cool:
7 ride


If it works for you , Tuesday or Wensday,afternoon or evenings, will work for me. Feel free to give me a call anytime and we can set something up.

815-210-5840 cell
Sounds good. I have your cell phone # in my phone already...meant to call you at Oshkosh... :eek: It'll have to be Tuesday if the weather looks good. Wednesday is my 30th, and I'll need to be with the Family... :)

I'll call ya! :cool:

I would strongly recomend against a sensenich for the 320. A very good friend of mine went went that route and the 2600 rpm limit is very real, and it esentially makes acro work a no-go. If I had to do it over again, I would consider a Catto.

What you really loose on the 320 relative to the 360, is climb performance. They are very close in cruis, and that gap can be closed with light weight and aero mods. The C/S prop narrows the gap substantially in climb.

I have to say, the Aerosport people have been fantastic to a number of local builders here. But, with the plentiful O-320 cores, especially if you take a patient view toward waiting for a deal, you can really save yourself some money, and build a fun and interesting relationship with your local machine shop. I will say that half the fun for me was looking for the deals on the parts, and getting to talk to the machinists at my local shop. And, of course I saved some cash.

You seem like the kind of guy that painstakingly researches everything, so I would guess that you could probably save yourself alot of money by going the route of a core plus rebuild....

Just my thoughts.
v-7 with a 320

I have a -7 with a 320 it is a H2AD motor the good thing is that i only paid 3500 bucks for the motor with 1400 hours since new I have since put on 130 hours and it runs great,I also installed the sam james plenum and modded the vans cowl since i did the plenum after i had about 90 hours on it i can say that the plenum makes a big difference my cruise is in the 190's the biggest problem i now have is the 2600 limit with the plenum i have to throttle back many time and before that would never happen I have since orded a catto prop that should arrive in a week or so that will remove the RPM limit

the climb is good if solo but ok at gross but still better then many other planes

the catto prop will help the climb as well as the static take off RPM now at 2150

My plane was 1085 lbs i have since add a few items to the panel so it will weigh a little more

the aft end CG is an issue can't put much in the back or the tail will hang down when flying slow i find that i have to land a little faster then i would like for a smooth landing but that could be just me

Ken in maine
Jconard said:

I would strongly recomend against a sensenich for the 320. A very good friend of mine went went that route and the 2600 rpm limit is very real, and it esentially makes acro work a no-go. If I had to do it over again, I would consider a Catto.
Yeah, I will use a Catto or a Felix Bicamber prop.

Jconard said:
What you really loose on the 320 relative to the 360, is climb performance. They are very close in cruis, and that gap can be closed with light weight and aero mods. The C/S prop narrows the gap substantially in climb.

I have to say, the Aerosport people have been fantastic to a number of local builders here. But, with the plentiful O-320 cores, especially if you take a patient view toward waiting for a deal, you can really save yourself some money, and build a fun and interesting relationship with your local machine shop. I will say that half the fun for me was looking for the deals on the parts, and getting to talk to the machinists at my local shop. And, of course I saved some cash.
I'm not really worried about climb performance all that much. Pretty flat here in Illinois, and if I go out west, well, guess I leave early or late...

I've never really looked for cores before...perhaps I should. I just have it in my head that I want new with a warranty.

Jconard said:
You seem like the kind of guy that painstakingly researches everything, so I would guess that you could probably save yourself alot of money by going the route of a core plus rebuild...
Painstakingly is right...almost not strong enough... :rolleyes:
kcpgm said:
I have a -7 with a 320 it is a H2AD motor the good thing is that i only paid 3500 bucks for the motor with 1400 hours since new I have since put on 130 hours and it runs great,I also installed the sam james plenum and modded the vans cowl since i did the plenum after i had about 90 hours on it i can say that the plenum makes a big difference my cruise is in the 190's the biggest problem i now have is the 2600 limit with the plenum i have to throttle back many time and before that would never happen I have since orded a catto prop that should arrive in a week or so that will remove the RPM limit

the climb is good if solo but ok at gross but still better then many other planes

the catto prop will help the climb as well as the static take off RPM now at 2150

My plane was 1085 lbs i have since add a few items to the panel so it will weigh a little more

the aft end CG is an issue can't put much in the back or the tail will hang down when flying slow i find that i have to land a little faster then i would like for a smooth landing but that could be just me

Ken in maine
Great info Ken! You have great cruise numbers! I'm interested to see how the Catto changes things, especially in climb...
I like the O320 just from looking at the estimated ranges on Van's website. 835 SM for the O320 and 775 for the O360. May not seem like much until you are trying to make that alternate airport that's just a little bit farther. I was considering the O320 until I heard about the CG issues. I've had enough of that in the RV-4! Be interesting to hear about real world experiences with o320 powered RV-7s.