
After reviewing the plans and build manual for a couple months, I jumped right into the empennage kit. I spent a few hours inventorying the kit and everything was present and in great condition. I then started on the rear and front spars.

There are a few tricky spots on the front spar but I was able to get everything cut, bent, and drilled correctly using some tips from other builders. I prepped the ribs and cleco?d the substructure and skins together to see how it all fits. I then got the HS-00005 and HS-00006 ribs lined up, drilled, and cleco?d together and proceeded to match drill all holes in the skins.

Next up is to take everything apart, deburr the edges and all holes, dimple, prime, and get ready to start riveting it all together.

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Welcome to VAF and keep up the great work. One day you'll have a fantastic plane!
Congrats! I found the HS to be the most complex sub assembly mainly because of all the things happening in the center area with the doubler plates and having to drill some of your own holes. I spent many hours thinking and interpreting before cutting/drilling.

Looking good so far!
Wings Almost Done

I haven't updated this since my first post so why not now?! The tanks and top skins are installed on both wings and they are in the rolling cradle I built. Ailerons and Flaps are done. Just need to make the pushrods and install everything. I've got plenty of time until my Fuselage kit arrives as I'm not supposed to get it until early Fall. I think I'll probably leave the bottom skins off until later as I haven't decided on Avionics. I also need to insulate and get my garage all set up for moving the shop there as I am running out of room in my basement. It's been nice to build down there though as it's cool in the summer and heated in the winter. I'll just have to sweat it out in the garage during the summers for the rest of the build.


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Suggest finishing wings, including lights, tips, and wing root farings.
Wires can be run later if you have conduit, or snap bushings...