
I was issued my serial number today.

Start of a long journey.

Hello all, my first post.

I am in the UK and looking forward to lots of advice and tips.

Congratulations. You are about to embark on a wonderful adventure. The folks on this website have a great deal of knowledge and are always ready to part with advice. You will often see the phrase "keep pounding those rivets" as encouragement to finish the project. Some of the tasks are tough, some are boring but together they result in the sweetest flying airplane that you will ever own.
Just a test at posting pictures.

This is the last thing I built.

You are correct it is not Wiltshire ! The picture was taken in the Canadian rockies last August when I shipped the car to Calgary then drove to Vancouver then down the Pacific Coast road to San Francisco before shipping it back from Vancouver. Was a great once in a lifetime experience that I enjoyed with my son.

Looking forward to some really great trips in the RV7 where the possibilities are endless…...
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Still waiting to get the tracking number for the empennage kit.

Tool box kit


Result of first attempt at riveting

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After a couple of issues with the credit card company detecting "unusual behaviour" on my card and me typing in the wrong end date I eventually managed to pay Vans.

The Empennage was collected on Tuesday and the tracking system shows that it is now in the local Fedex depot so it should arrive tomorrow.

I have now joined the LAA and registered my new build. Still need to find an Inspector. The first I was recommended says he is too far away and the second I still need to make contact with. Maybe he will be in this afternoon.

Need to get all the tools out of the plastic bags and some storage space arranged for them to ease finding them. Did manage to rig some extra lights and get the 1" hole wheel on my 16mm bench grinder with the aid of an old broom handle.

Have also been loaned some very old VHS videos of the story of Vans, working with sheet metal and how to build an empennage parts 1 and 2. Watched a couple of them last night.

So hopefully this week I will get the tools sorted, find an Inspector and complete the inventory. Oh and decide on how I am going to prime!

Lets hope the day job does not get in the way too much.
Well, one box arrived. Hope the other catches up soon.

I like the Inventorying instructions saying there is no need to count the rivets !:)
Other box arrived later in the week. All inventoried OK. Only damage was to one of the Toolbox practice kits. The lid was bend after having the lead weights bouncing on them.

Have found an Inspector who will visit in a week or so. Have also been issued my build number by the LAA. Just need the build log to arrive.

Tools now all unpacked and layed out on a tool table. A couple of other old tables have been dragged out of storage so I now have all the parts easily at hand.

So hopefully will start building this week.