
Well Known Member
Hi all,

Just thought I'd start a thread on my RV-7 build, serial number #72794. It will be my first homebuilt aircraft.

I bought the empennage kit from another gentlemen who was not able to get started approximately 4 years ago. I had aspirations of starting the build then, but I soon bought a house and most of my time was going towards that.

Fast forward to now, and with the encouragement and mentorship of several EAA Chapter 461 members (2 of whom are also building RV-7s), I began my build with the vertical stabilizer. Approximately 25 hours later, a few drilled out rivets and a fun learning curve, I'm very happy with the end product!






Hi joness, I am a rv14 builder in the Chicago area, SW suburbs. Empenage and wings done waiting for fuse to be available. We'll have to talk and hopefully fly together
Well I got started on my HS rear spar yesterday. I broke the edges of the spar doublers and gave the ends the 1/4" radius as called out in the plans. Additionally, I did have to shave off (well, really I gave those edges a larger radius with a vixen file followed by the scotchbrite wheel) a bit more of the doublers where the spar flange bend was causing the doubler to lift and not sit flat.

I got the doublers and hinge brackets match drilled. I was able to prime the elevator hinge bearing and get that riveted in place between the elevator hinge brackets. Of course, Van's was overly confident that the AD4-5's were the correct length. After setting one, I realized they were way too short. Set the rest with AD4-6's and they turned out just fine. Hopefully it's not an issue having 1x -5 and 5x -6 rivets in there.
Looking great Josh! Give me a holler if you need a hand.
Jim, I'm in Willowbrook building a 7. Just about have the wings done and my fuselage arrives late June. We should all get together for lunch some day.


Dave, believe it or not I am in Willowbrook as well. Just west of 83 on bluff road. We should get together real soon. You can reach me at 630-816-2850.
Would love to see your 7

Looking good! Finishing up my wings here and waiting for the fuse to arrive. Come on out my way, for the $1000 hamburger ... we have at least 4 great restaurants near my field at KHAF. My Dad hails from south Chicago; great town. OSH will be easy for you, a fun challenge for me!
Well I bit the bullet and ordered my first batch of new parts this morning. I'm going to completely redo the horizontal stabilizer front spar.

Between using a unibit to drill the 1/4" relief hole near the bend line (I wouldn't recommend that - the relief hole is on the bend radius between the flange and web), some edge distance funniness with the HS-405/HS-00005 (not a big deal per Vans) and an attempt at drilling those ribs with a 12" long drill bit...enlarging the holes beyond mil-spec maximum for #30 (I believe .135), I just am not happy with the parts.

With this being a critical part of the aircraft, I'll sleep better at night. I'm a little bummed, but I realize this won't be the first time I need to reorder parts. My lesson out of this is to slow down, take my time, browse the forums for techniques and ask questions when I have them.
Dave, believe it or not I am in Willowbrook as well. Just west of 83 on bluff road. We should get together real soon. You can reach me at 630-816-2850.
Would love to see your 7

Jim, if you're not doing anything Saturday morning, a bunch of us EAA461 members meet at Charlies restaurant at 1C5 at 7am. I'll be there this Saturday and Dave (AcroSmoke) usually is too. We have another -7 builder in the Chapter too that usually joins. Come on out and have breakfast with us!
Well I bit the bullet and ordered my first batch of new parts this morning. I'm going to completely redo the horizontal stabilizer front spar.

Between using a unibit to drill the 1/4" relief hole near the bend line (I wouldn't recommend that - the relief hole is on the bend radius between the flange and web), some edge distance funniness with the HS-405/HS-00005 (not a big deal per Vans) and an attempt at drilling those ribs with a 12" long drill bit...enlarging the holes beyond mil-spec maximum for #30 (I believe .135), I just am not happy with the parts.

With this being a critical part of the aircraft, I'll sleep better at night. I'm a little bummed, but I realize this won't be the first time I need to reorder parts. My lesson out of this is to slow down, take my time, browse the forums for techniques and ask questions when I have them.

Hey Joness,

I feel your pain?.take a deep breath and forge on! I botched half the ribs on my horiz. stab because I dimpled them before I match-drilled them. So easy in the early stages to get out of sequence. I have nightmares about putting dimples on the wrong side of a rib or skin! :eek:

On a weeknight, I limit myself to a max 3 hours of anything involving assembly/riveting. I simply get too tired to do quality work. If I go an extra hour, it's for something simpler, like deburring, priming or dimpling.
Jim, if you're not doing anything Saturday morning, a bunch of us EAA461 members meet at Charlies restaurant at 1C5 at 7am. I'll be there this Saturday and Dave (AcroSmoke) usually is too. We have another -7 builder in the Chapter too that usually joins. Come on out and have breakfast with us!

I will try to make it on Saturday
Well, after ordering new parts for the horizontal front spar I'm finally ready to assemble.

Here's the new front spar prior to bending the 710/714.


New 710/714 after bending. I waited until deburring/prime prep to round the edges in case anyone is wondering :)


Left side all assembled and being match drilled


Finishing up the match drilling of the HS-00005 and HS-00006. I was able to borrow a friends right angle drill to drill the holes in the rib flanges/spar. Thanks Dave!


And finally, I spent 6 hours yesterday scuffing, dimpling, and priming all of the horizontal parts (minus the skins). Finally ready to drive some more rivets!

The spars and ribs are all riveted up and awaiting skins!

(No, I did not rivet the rear spar to the ribs yet. Just wanted to see what it would look like :D )
