
Well Known Member
After 16 months of construction I flew my RV7 212MD (Mad Dog or Manic Depressive, your choice)today. Flight went well and the engine ran very smooth. Have a heavy left wing but I think I have that figured out. I think this will be a fast one as I was indicating 182mph and ground speed was 170kts into the wind and 190kts the other way. That's with no wheelpants or gear fairings. I have a James Cowl plenum and inlets and the CHTs were within 25 degrees of each other. So chalk up another RV grin. Don
Congratulations, Don. It must be a great feeling to get in the air after all the engine stuff you've gone through.

Great job, can't wait to see it again.
Hey Don, I stole this pic from the other site and posted it for you.


Like Brandon said, nice Checkoway paint scheme.;)

Looks good to me though, I'm happy for you.

Merry Christmas to yourself
Way to go, Don!!!

Congratulations on your first flight. Wishing you an uneventful phase 1.

congrats too from CA don. I am going to go pour another glass of white wine and toast your plane and you!
James Cowl?


I noticed that it looks like your cowl is the stock Vans. I am curious how you incorporated the Vans cowl with the James plenum?

Scott, On my drive to Vans last May, I took this pic of Don's cowl. He used the Vans cowl, then adapted the James rings into it, also used the intake ring. I recall he said it was a fair amount of work.


I noticed that it looks like your cowl is the stock Vans. I am curious how you incorporated the Vans cowl with the James plenum?


Scott, I had Sam make me a layup of the front of his cowl about 6" back. I then grafted them on the stock Vans cowl. It was a LOT of work but if I did it again it probably wouldn't be to bad. If you are going to run a carb just get the James shorty cowl. I have made three flights with mine now and the cylinder head temps are within 30 degrees from the low o the high. Also the ram air is giving me over 11/2" more map. I think all the work is going to be worth it. Don