
Well Known Member
I found a RV-6A for sale in Oklahoma (looking to join the Vans family). I'm 6'1" and before I fly from Florida to Oklahoma to purchase a plane I wanted to get some feedback. The current owner says there is no seat adjustment and he is 5'10". He didn't want to tell me one way or the other if a 6"1' guy would fit. I can't find a local Vans (Sarasota Fl) to sit in and try out. I just didn't want o have to fly with my head tilted. The 6A had a tilt style canopy.

I flew a Glasair II today and had plenty of head room but my knees where hitting the panel, so that aircraft is out of the question. And by the way, I'm moving up from a Cherokee 140.
I'm 6'1" and 255Lbs and I had a -6A for a year. I am currently finishing another one for myself to replace the first one. It's not roomy, but I fit. I think you'll fit fine. Again, not roomy, but you won't be tilting your head.
I'm 6'0 and have no trouble in my -6A tip-up.

The seats are ground adjustable. There are 3 or 4 hinge positions on the seat bottom, and the seat back can be in one of 3 positions. The bottom position doesn't impact selection of the back position.

Worst case, the Almost a 14 mod can give you even more space (I haven't done it but I may)
inseam for the rudder is important...

Check to see what the inseam of the builder was to give an idea of where the ruder pedals were set for... find out what provisions were incorporated in the build to move them for you if needed. Torso headroom is managed by seat back and cushion thickness.

In my -7 (I am 6-5 with a 34" inseam):

If the rudder pedals are all the way forward you can expect plenty of room with a 34 inch inseam. Headroom is great with a thin seat bottom and back and using in-ear headset.
Be happy to give you a ride, in a -6A tipper -

Just did that last week for a person --- he is headed to CA this week to (maybe) bring one home.

I am always looking for an excuse to fly!

I am at Clearwater Airpark (KCLW)

simie1 at knology dot net

I'm 6'3" and fly a 6A slider. As others have noted, there is adjustment for the location and angle of the seatbacks. I fit ok with everything "stock", and fit great after doing the "Almost an RV 14" mod. You should be fine.
In my -7 (I am 6-5 with a 34" inseam):

Wow, I'm taller than I thought ;)


If you are in Florida you may want to just go take an hour from Jan Bussell. He has two 6's and is a good sized guy himself. You may find it a good idea as you would get an hours logged for insurance and get all you questions answered about flying in a 6. Yours R.E.A. III #80888

6'2" with a 32 inch inseam, short legs long back. I'm using a 1 inch pad and full forward on the seat back. I have about one inch from canopy with a head set.

Go fly with Jan, money well spent.